Come With Me

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"Hey Magnus, where's Alec? You two are usually joined at the hip," Izzy said, walking up to Magnus.
"He's in bed, taking a nap. He's been so tired. Lately, I'm worried," Magnus said.
"Well, why don't we go see Cara? She's the expert," Izzy suggested.
"That sounds good. Are you doing anything right now? Probably be best to go when Alexanders asleep."
"Sure, lead the way."
Magnus and Izzy walked to Cara's temporary office in silence, neither of them feeling the need to speak. They both were worried about Alec, but both of them were too afraid to admit it. Because admitting it would make it real. When they arrived, Cara was stepping in, holding a large pile of files.

"Oh hey, what can I do for you guys," She looked pleasantly surprised.
"We're here about Alec, something's going on, and we hoped you could help us," Izzy explained.
"Sure thing, just come in and sit down. I'll be with you two in a minute, just need to put away some old mission files and reports."
Once she had put the pile of files in an old dusty cabinet that looked older than Magnus, she sat down at a desk.
"So, what's going on with Alec," Cara asked. Magnus and Izzy looked at each other before Magnus spoke.
"He's been drained lately, always sleeping, and he barely eats. It's like he's lost all interest. He wasn't even a little upset when he was denied permission to go on a mission with Izzy and Jace," Magnus looked down.
"It's the last stage of withdrawal and also the hardest. It's the bond draining him and trying to pull him to Dominic. Keep a close eye on him and try to keep him occupied. Unfortunately, the best thing to do is wait it out," Cara said sadly.

Magnus was walking back to what has become his and Alexander's room. It is funny how much he hated the institute not that long ago, and now he considers it his home, all thanks to Alexander. He felt terrible knowing there was nothing he could do to help with Alexander's suffering. He was close to the room when he saw Jace and Clary walking towards Alec's room.
"What are you two up to this fine evening," Magnus put on a smile and his usual charismatic tone.
"We heard about Alec, so I brought him some of my mum's cookies to help cheer him up," Clary said, smiling innocently.
"That's a terrific idea; why don't you come in and give them to him," Magnus smiled for real now, touched by Clary's thoughtfulness despite her and Alec's barely existing friendship.

Just as they were about to step into the room, they heard Alec screaming from inside. Magnus and Jace burst in at the sound rushing to Alec's side. He was burning hot, and his face was contorted to one of pain. They lifted him onto the bed as his eyes flashed an icy blue, and the room's temperature dropped.
"Clary, Jace, go get Cara to tell her somethings wrong with Alexander, hurry," Magnus's tone was desperate.
As soon as they left, he turned his attention back to Alec and tried to cool his body temperature down. Alec opened his eyes and looked up at Magnus.
"Hey Alexander, it's okay. You're alright, I'm here," Magnus soothed him, and he could see Alec trying to control his powers as his eyes faded back to brown.
"I-I-It hu-hurts Mag-gnus," Alec stuttered out like it pained him to speak.
"It's okay, don't talk. We're getting Cara," Magnus said in a soothing tone, trying to stay calm.

The door opened again, and Jace ran in looking panicked, "Cara says she needs you something about a spell to help Alec."
Magnus stood up but was hesitant to leave Alec.
"It's okay. I've got him, go find out how to save him," Jace said comfortingly, and with that, Magnus rushed out the room.

When Magnus left, Jace stayed standing in the middle of the room. Alec was trying to focus, but he could hear voices whispering to him, calling out to him.
"It's okay, Alexander."
"Give in Alexander"
"Join me"
"I can stop the pain."
"It will be so much easier to give in."
"I love you."

"Jac-Jace, wh-wh-what's goi-going o-on," Alec was stuttering and groaning in pain.
"I'm sorry, Alexander, try again," Jace's voice was suddenly calm and smooth. His body and face contorted into Dominic.
"Dom-Dominic, go-get away. When there's Jac-Jace," Alec said, trying to move away from Dominic but only hurting himself more in the process.
"Shh, don't hurt yourself, love; Jace is with the others. I had to get rid of Magnus," Dominic walked to Alec's side and placed a hand on his face. Alec relaxed into the comforting touch, Dominic's hand cooling his burning body.
"You know what's happening, don't you, Alexander," Dominic's smooth voice said.
"The bo-bond is break-breaking."
"That's right, your so smart, Alexander. Now I know you in a lot of pain, but I can make that go away," Dominic moved his hand but smirked when Alec tried to move towards it, seeking Dominic's comfort.
"Come with me; it'll be so much easier. You wouldn't be in pain. I can make you so happy," Dominic said, pulling Alec towards him, drawing away from the pain. A portal opened behind him, and Dominic kept whispering praises and encouragement. Moving backward and taking Alec with him step after step towards the portal.

Then he stopped and held out his hand. "Come with me, Alexander."
A small part of Alec told him to resist, get away, and find Magnus, but it was so easy with Dominic. He was so tired, and Dominic loved him. He took Dominic's hand and let himself be pulled through the portal.

With Magnus

"Cara, Jace said you needed my help. What's going on," Magnus ran over to Cara.
"What are you talking about, Magnus. I just sent Jace away to collect some items from the infirmary. I thought I already explained there's nothing we can do but try and ease his pain. It's the last stage of withdrawal," Cara said, confused.
"Last stage?" Magnus questioned.
"The bond breaking, it's why it's so painful, but there's no spell. He has to sweat it out," Cara explained.
They both stopped talking as Jace came back into the room, arms full of supplies.
"Magnus, what are you doing here? You need to be with Alec," Jace said.
"I left you with Alexander; you said Cara needed my help with a spell," Magnus said.
"No, I've been at the infirmary getting supplies; Cara asked for to help Alec."
"If it wasn't you, then who did I..."
"Dominic!" Cara and Magnus said. All three of them rushing off to Alec's room, but it was too late. All they saw were the last shimmers of a portal.

"Oh no, Alexander, where has he taken you," was all Magnus said.

With Alec

"Where am I," Alec said, standing up, he was in a fancy-looking room, but he couldn't focus on anything other than his terrible headache.
"Here, take these love," A glass of water and two pills were held out to him; he took them and felt a little better. He looked up at the man who gave him them and realized it was Dominic. He jumped back.
"Now, now, don't be like that, love. We've re-opened our bond. The further you are from me, the more your head will hurt," Dominic scolded as if he was talking to a small child.
"Why do I feel like I've been hit by a truck," Alec groaned.
"Because of the amount of energy that has been sapped from you. The bond breaking and re-opening have taken a lot from you. You'll need to rest for a while; I'll be back later."

Dominic stepped out of the room when he heard a whimper from behind him and heard Alec's voice.
"Please stay; I can't sleep without you here," Alec whimpered.
"Oh, are you asking you to cuddle with me? How cute, love," Dominic smirked.
"I still hate you," Alec spat.
Dominic just shook his head and went to lie on the bed with Alec. Alec fell asleep within minutes after being so exhausted. Dominic moved to get more comfortable but smiled when Alec moved towards him in his sleep; he cuddled into Dominic's side and sighed contentedly.

"I love you so much love, I hope you'll understand why I'm doing this," Dominic whispered, knowing Alec couldn't hear him.
But he froze when he heard Alec mutter "Dominic" in his sleep before settling again.
"Don't worry, love, I'll always keep you safe."

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