Escape Is Pointless

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With Clary

"I have nothing to say to you, you monster" Clary practically spat the words at him.
"That's ok, all you have to do is listen" Valentine took a chair and sat near Clary.

Behind him, Clary could see Jace holding up a finger to his mouth in a shushing motion before quickly moving into the shadows.
"You have to understand everything I have done, I did to protect you and your mother," Valentine started.
"So, experimenting on Jace and me, that was for our protection," Clary scoffed.
"Yes, to make you both stronger," Valentine insisted.

Quickly Jace moved out of the shadows and moved towards Valentine. He used the back of his seraph blade to knock him out before quickly grabbing Clary's hand.
"We have to go quickly," Jace said, breaking the chain on Clary's leg and pulling her up.
"What about Alec," Clary asked.
"Izzy's getting him, now come on, we have to go. Magnus is holding a portal open."

With Alec

Alec was sitting on the bed, his head in his hands. He was trying to make sense of what was happening. He couldn't let Dominic in his head again. He was interrupted from his thoughts when the door to his room was kicked open.
"Hello, big brother, your hero has arrived" Izzy stood in the doorway.
"Finally, I was starting to think you had forgotten about me" Alec stood up and ran over to hug her.
"Let's go, Jace is getting Clary, and Magnus is keeping a portal open."

Jace, Clary, Izzy, and Alec met up just outside the building. Alec saw Magnus; he looked awful like he hadn't slept at all. Alec felt a surge of guilt run through him.

"Magnus" Alec ran away from Izzy and towards Magnus. Magnus turned towards him.
"Alexander" They ran into each other's arms. Magnus grabbed at Alec. Alec rubbed his back as if to say, I'm okay, I'm right here.
"As touching as this moment is, we have to go," Jace said, getting glares.
"Your right, let's go" Magnus opened the portal, and they all ran through.

At the Institute

Once they were all through the portal, Alec fell to the ground in pain. Jace and Magnus were immediately at his side, trying to help him.
"Alexander, darling. What's wrong" Magnus used his magic to try and diagnose him, but it came up with nothing; he was in perfect health.
Alexander's eyes flashed blue before he felt the darkness consume him.

After Alec had passed out and been carried to the infirmary, Magnus decided to call Erin for some help. She agreed to come when she heard Alec and said she would bring someone she knew who could help.

20 Minutes Later

Erin arrived later, and Magnus ran to greet her. He had begun to update her on the situation when he noticed the woman behind her.
"Oh Magnus, this is mine and Alec's dear friend Cara. She's Damien's sister and a doctor." Erin said.
"Hello, a pleasure to meet you" Cara put out her hand for Magnus to shake.
Cara was quite tall, and he could see the obvious likeness between her and Damien. Light skin, long black hair, and long legs. Except her eyes were hazel like Alec's; come to think of it, she seemed very similar to Alec. Thinking of that brought his attention back to the matter at hand.

"Thank you both for coming; I'll lead the way" Magnus turned towards the infirmary and lead the way.
When they were in the infirmary, Cara rushed over to Alec.
"Oh, Alec, what has he done to you" Cara pulled out a medical kit from her bag.
"What has who done," Magnus asked, walking over to Alec's bed.
"Dominic, the warlock you've been dealing with, I presume he told you about him" Cara began to run tests on Alec.
"Tell me what" Magnus questioned
"Oh, you don't know" Cara looked towards Erin
"You might want to gather everyone; we have a lot to explain."

After a lot of explaining and enough questions to last a lifetime, Cara and Erin went back to check on Alec. But Magnus couldn't help but wonder why Alec didn't want to tell him the truth, why he hid it from everyone. He also thought about how much he had been through. I mean, he thought dealing with Camille was bad enough; he'd definitely been through hell and back.

When they came back, they didn't look happy.
"What's wrong with him," Izzy asked; she looked near tears.
"Dominic has re-opened their bond fully; he's going through withdrawal; he'll be in pain for the next few weeks," Cara explained.
"Oh, my poor Alexander," Magnus sunk into a chair.
"Unfortunately, because of the newly opened bond and his current state, Alec will be more perceptive to Dominic's manipulation," Erin added in.
"So, we have to keep an eye on him for the next few weeks," Clary asked.
"It's going to be hell for him" Cara looked near tears.

Back in the infirmary, Alec had woke up with one word on his mind,

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