A meeting with a gay war god and his love sick ex

Start from the beginning

Zoe was about to retort saying that Nico would probably turn out like the rest of the men in the world, vile and disgusting. Yet she thought about her earlier discussion with Percy, about how the Hunters aren't giving the male race a chance to join. She then realised that Nico would probably be led down a dark path due to his hatred of the hunt, and since he is starting to replace Bianca with Percy, who would no doubt explain to him how his childhood with the hunt haunted him, Nico may end up hating the hunt just as much as Percy, and since he cannot join the legion, or stay with the gods, The Hunters of Artemis may have crippled another male.

"Look Bianca, you left Nico because you wanted to live your own life, but now you realise that Nico was a huge part of your life, arguable the best part. You are going to go down a dark whole of depression, you are going to become arrogant, selfish, you will probably become a serial killer who prays on young boys because they remind you of Nico, and the hunt will probably teach you that to hide the pain you must kill it with an arrow. It is funny really, the hunt was formed by a group of girls who were hurt by boys, in some shape of form. Yet you joined because you loved the idea of hurting your brother because you felt like he owed you."

Bianca then rushed at Percy and threw a wild hook, Percy grabbed her arm and twisted it making Bianca fall to the floor. Zoe was about to step in until Percy looked at the sky

"Are you entertained or do you want to come out now Mr I have a massive crush on Lyssa even though she has a massive crush on my old demigod trainee so I use her powers over rage to try and get her attention even though I know the best thing I will ever get from her is pity sex."

Percy Pov

One of the few good things about having to live with a Greek war god is that you are able to pick up when his presence has an effect on the people he is around. Percy knew that Zoe would only look like she was about to punch a hunter if they either say something horrible about Lady Artemis, say something nice about Heracles, or flirts with a boy with the intention of getting into their pants, all three of which never happened and he doubt that Bianca (no matter how much of a bitch she was) would ever do any of those things.

That meant that Mars was in the house, or Ares as he had to call him, which was a pain because while he liked Mars, Ares was a bit of a douche.


"You, my young Padawan, are horrible at nicknames" The god of war walked out in his normal sunglasses and human skinned Leather Jacket (in Ares defence it was made of those who commit horrible, horrible war crimes).

Grover immediately bowed down the moment Percy said the words Ares, Thalia and Sam looked like they were having an internal battle with themselves, probably thinking that while Ares was a god, they really didn't want to bow, Zoe nodded her head, Ares was her least favourite Olympian, and Bianca looked like she wanted to either bow or punch someone in the face.

"Well Ares, it wasn't a nickname it was me speaking the truth" Percy smirked and stared straight into the first born of Zeus and Hera's eyes, who had taking his glasses off.

Grover looked like he was about to feint, especially when the prophecy claimed son of the moon god insulted his mothers biggest opposer on the council. Zoe just smiled, while Thalia and Sam looked in awe.

Ares looked like he wanted to incinerate Percy, until he let out a booming laugh "I knew there was a reason I kept you around for all of those years, by the way your higher ups have been made aware of the situation by me and Apollo, so don't worry about being honourable discharged or anything" he whispered the last bit in his ear.

He then looked at the rest of the group "Now, the Lady wishes to speak to Percy and Samuel here, so why don't you four go off and get some tacos or something." He pointed to closed Mexican restaurant, dumbass.

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