Chapter 28: Divulge A Mystery

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"But, your majesty—"

"Are you trying to contravene me?" The prince cut E.A's words short. The blue skinned guy's eyes widened and he worked over a couple words hesitantly, fearing to anger the prince further.

"No, I did not intend to at all, your majesty," He gulped.

Veldra dismissed him before he walked out without another word. Naomi and E.A exchanged worried looks. For the young royal to walk into a risk of being recognized outside and exposing himself to potential danger, that caused their hearts to thud heavily. They didn't want the prince to endanger himself in the outskirts of the place.

"This is why Cesal should never be in charge of an important plan," Naomi broke the weighy silence with a snarky remark, watching as the alluring boy looked at her with aversion.

"Shove off, miss, no one needs to hear it," Cesal rolled his eyes. He wanted to kick her so hard and make her kiss the dirt.

"Don't get an attitude, pest. Your 'disrespect the prince because I'm the best and treasured one' privileges are running out. Did you not see how disappointed the prince was with you? Get a hold of your self," Naomi taunted in an unfriendly way. Cesal frowned at that. He took a couple threatening steps towards the long haired girl with a sour expression before slanting his eyes as a smile tugged his lips.

"Don't tell me what to do, and don't act like you know it all, you bitch," Cesal spat.

A vein popped up on the side of her forehead as her lips tightened in anger, "You call me that again and I won't hesitate to fight you."


"Hey, brats! Don't you dare fight inside the castle. The prince is already furious enough," E.A shouted before Naomi could attack Cesal. They both looked at him, annoyed that they couldn't pull each other's face off and that he also made sense.

"Fine, whatever. I'm going outside. Tell this ugly bitch to stay off my back or I'll kill her," Cesal announced, his mood suddenly dropping from killing intent to fatigue and bored.

E.A nodded slightl then looked at Naomi, "Should we check the security tab?" He suggested.

Naomi was still focused on Cesal's lean figure leaving the room, her arms crossed over the other. She turned to E.A and thought about his request. Well, they would be able to make sure of the prince's safety that way and she could also see a certain someone.

"Of course."


The tab glitched for the second try after E.A's second attempt to get it to work. The device was supposed to work since he knew the code to get it to open. He was a bit skeptical though because this was his first time to actually use it. Most times he would just stand by and watch the prince do whatever with the device.

"Do you even know the code?" Naomi huffed.

"Can you be a little more patient?" E.A bit back, because he was only getting started and her impatience was already setting off.

"Well, you can't blame me for being on the edge because this whole castle is littered with security cameras. What if Prince Veldra hears or knows of this?!" She looked around frantically before throwing an arm around E.A's shoulder, "Just hurry up."

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