Chapter 47

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Adrien was confused wondering who it can be. It required a special card to get to his door.

He went and opened the door only to be pushed aside and suddenly his parents rushed inside.

"What the hell Adrien? We are in Manchester for one of my projects and I hear from Henry my son is arrested from a club for beating someone to almost death! Are you insane? It could  create so much of problems if he charges you! Or worse he could have fought back and beaten you to death instead! Do you want to die you idiot! " Eliza King screamed at the top of her lungs.

Emerson and Adrien winced.

Nathan put a comforting arm on her shoulder and rubbed her back.
"Calm down Liza, breath."

"Don't tell me to calm down? Seriously Adrien. You were in club means were you drunk to get in a fight? And did you --- wait, are those bandages I see! Seriously Adrien you could have hurt yourself more. If that man died you could will have to spend your remaining years in jail! Weren't you here to make up with Emerson and you did something like this instead? " She shouted loudly.

His parents hadn't noticed Emerson in the corner yet.

Adrien dragged his palm on his face.

Adrien was cut again.

"No Adrien. Weren't you saying you wanted to give Emerson and this marriage a chance, how are you going to do it if you are in prison? And even if you are bailed and the things are covered, do you think she would be married to someone who assaulted a man! She would be terrified of you! And isn't her birthday in this near time! Such a fool Adrien you could also loose your potential love interest ---"

A throat clearing cut her off.

"No Nathan, don't cut me ---"

"Ma'am, it's ok." Emerson cut her off.

Eliza froze along with Nathan and turned behind.

Emerson was shuffling from feet to feet awkwardly.
Her first meeting with Eliza, not at wedding but the dinner at Henry's was cold. And so it's was obvious for her to feel shocked at her rambling and specially the word - Love interest.

Eliza gave her a shaky smile.
"Oh hey Emerson, you look good." She said intervening her fingers and drumming her hands which Adrien knew was his mom's nervous habit, which was rare to see.

Emerson glanced at her dress , she was still in her top and shorts she knew her hair messed a little.
"Uh.. Thanks? " It came out like question.

"And her birthday is today.' Adrien mumbled to himself but Nathan heard it.
He face palmed himself.

" You got in a fight, more like beat someone up in a club. Which meant she was there if she is here and you ruined her day? " Nathan asked in disbelief.

Eliza gasped.
"It's her birthday TODAY?"

Emerson gulped, a little more than uncomfortable.
"Mr and Mrs Stone, don't scold him, he didn't do it intentionally . The guy badmouthed me and Adrien snapped." Emerson defended him.

Adrien looked shocked to see her defend him. He blinked twice.

Eliza stepped out and called someone.

Nathan sighed.
"What happened? And I want truth. " He said pointedly.

Adrien sighed.
"Emerson and I weren't on talking terms. I went to Phoenix because Noah invited me, she came with her friends to celebrate. A bad coincidence, some of my employees and their friends too came. One of my employee insulted Emerson and lunged at her, security threw her out. Her cousin badmouthed Emerson, I snapped. Someone called police, and here we are." He explained in short, leaving the main information.

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