Chapter 16

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The room was eerily silent. Everyone was dumbstruck.
And Adrien, he couldn't tell what he was feeling. No one, not even his parents ever said something like this. To every other person, he was just a handsome, powerful, arrogant, cold and successful multi billionaire. Know one called him creative or ambitious.

He didn't even  know he had his eyes closed. He felt warm and fuzzy. But this time he didn't want to shake that feeling but embrace it and relish the moment.
He felt at peace knowing his own wife respected him. Not because of the money and success but because o she knew how hard he worked. She stated it like he understood it. What he didn't know that Emerson didn't even knew the person she idolized was her husband. She only knew him as the youngest CEO of SM.

The silence was broken by sudden claps and Emerson and Adrien both were snapped out of the reverie. But none of them knew for whom were the claps - Adrien or. Emerson. She just smiled slightly and Adrien nodded.
Emerson blushed embarrassed when she realised she rambled on for nearly 20 minutes.
And Adrien was now thankful he decided to play with her.

"Well Ms Leone, you just unraveled my secret to the world, I should sue you. " He joked, trying to lighten the mood, but Mr Carl and Ms Phenix looked at him like he gre two heads. Because what they knew really well was that their boss, Mr Stone never joked.

Emerson just smiled a breathtaking smile making many people's breath hitch and Adrien's heart skipped a beat.

He then dismissed them telling them to be on time tomorrow and sat their leisurely. The girls were definitely jealous of the attention Emerson got but they couldn't say anything since Adrien was still there, so they decided to corner her outside the room.
When the session was dismissed, Emerson just sat there leaning on her chair and looking out of the window. She then closed her eyes for a few moments.
Adrien was watching her but the look longing the blond boy gave her didn't go unnoticed by him.
Why the hell is he looking at her like she is his long lost love. She didn't show any sign of recognition towards him when they talked.
He sat there scrolling mails in his phone,as everyone was out , bidding their goodbyes to him , getting a single nod in reply. But Emerson was just sitting there with her eyes closed. Her head was hanging on one side slowly slipping but she suddenly sat straight startled. Adrien concluded she was getting droopy.
Definitely the result of being nocturnal.
Emerson rubbed her eyes removing her glasses, drank some water. Luckily she didn't have any class, just work and college assignments mailed to her.
My sleep problems are really reflecting on my health.
She noticed only Adrien and her were left.

"So, stalking now, are we? "
Adrien broke the silence.

"It is public information. And I was inspired by the CEO of SM, that's what made me win the award last year. " She admitted sheepishly.

Adrien felt proud that he was her inspiration which made her score the award which made her youngest awardee.

"Believe it or not. I didn't knew you were a Stone, I mean The Stone. I got to know your surname at the altar itself and your real identity in business world today." She stated quietly.

Adrien looked at her and knew she was telling the truth. He felt bad that he accused her of things, even in his mind.

He was about to say something but her phone started ringing. She received the call but didn't move away or excused herself.

"Hello Mrs. Jones."

"Oh my god Emerson. Are you ok? I am so sorry I had no idea the CEO would burst like a firecracker . I should have not sent you there. At least I should have told the secretary to inform him of a junior coming. News travels fast you know. It's not even 3:45 and rumours are spread that he hit you and threw you out. But how did he even knew there was a junior. They generally don't check. But I swear if he harmed you I will cut his balls and feed it to my grandson's pet cat. Your husband who is still unknown to me would help too right. Answer me Emerson! "  Mrs. Jones' rambling stopped and she started taking deep breaths.
Emerson had her eyes shut close and her face red from embarrassment.
Unfortunately for her, the call was accidentally on speaker and Adrien heard every word.
He had a look of amusement and he was trying hard to control his laughter .

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