Chapter 31

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After 7 hour long flight, Emerson was in London at 5:40 according to London time.
She had already ordered a cab which escorted her to her dorms.

The streets of London were raining and it gave the historical buildings a good look.
She was dropped near a small office made of sandstones in front of a compound hidden area.

She quickly ran towards it.

"Hello, how may I help you? " The lady asked in her beautiful accent.

"Hello, I am Emerson Leone, exchange student for Management and I wanted to ask for my dorm." She politely replied.

"Ok. I will do an identity check first" Emerson showed the lady her passport and after it was done, the lady registered her presence.

"So the building hidden behind the compound are dorms, and exchange students get seperate cabins with two rooms and a bathroom for accommodation, as you already paid for it. You can decorate the walls as you like. Here are details about all the helpline numbers, eating places and study halls. A map even if you have gps is provided to you, and if you have any other queries, don't hesitate." The lady spoke.

"Thanks, I don't have any questions for now." Emerson replied.

"Great, let me take you to your cabin." She took keys and an umbrella big enough for both and told Emerson to follow her.

Emerson silently observed her surrounding during the walk.
The compound with big gates had a gravel path with small bushes around it, giving it the Victorian look. It leaded to small sandstone cabins which looked beautiful, each cabin had a big tree on side and bushes around it.

It was darker due to the rain and so some had lights on.

After nearly 20 cabins stood a big 4 storey sandstone building .
The gravel path, same like the previous one emerged from its entrance and leaded outside the compound with other big gate.

The lady took her towards a cabin numbered 13 , and gave her the keys.

"The cabins for exchange students were cleaned a day before, so you don't have to worry about cleaning it for now, the matress , sheets and pillow coveres are washed so you don't have to worry about it. Visitors are not allowed to stay for more than one night per week, and so, these are your keys, cabin is yours. The uni tour is on Friday and classes are starting from Wednesday, giving all the exchange students a good settling time." She said handing her the keys.

"Thank you " Emerson replied.

She opened the heavy wooden door and looked inside.
Their was a small shoe rack kept near the entrance, a coat hanger beside it.
A small couch was placed in a corner with two armchairs and in the other corner was a single counter with electric stove on it with some shelves on the wall. It also had an island with two barstools.
The window glass made pitter patter noises due to the striking raindrops.

Their were two doors, one to a small but big enough bathroom with sink, shower head and toilet seat. The other door led to bedroom which had a single bed placed in one corner , a study table in one corner and a big window with a sitting arrangement near it. One wall was complete shelf and one had a closet.

Emerson had never seen something so beautiful. She knew how she was going to decorate the cabin, the way she always imagined to do to her own room.

In the Leone mansion, she was paranoid her sister will damage her things which wasn't new, so she always kept her trophies and priced possessions hidden in a box.

In Adrien's mansion, she never had her own space so there to it was impossible.

Now she was determined she was going to make the cabin home. She arranged the little clothes and toiletries she brought with her, knowing her things would arrive later. Then she took laptop and searched the area for shops of different things she wanted, memorising the maps.
An hour later, she charged her phone and turned it on.
She had a few missed calls from Adrien , one from Henry and a message from Rose.

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