Chapter 18

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Emerson went down and ate fruits and rank milk because the breakfast consisted of bacon and eggs.
Even though Adrien told them to make a veg breakfast since he now knew Emerson was vegetarian, everybody seemed to dislike Emerson and do things in her oppose.

Yesterday her exhaustion and tiredness from all the lack of sleep and her senior's words from office drained her leading to act her like the way she did. She knew she had to get a good sleep so she decided to drink knowing her alcohol tolerance and took a strong sleeping pill.
She didn't usually used with because of their side effects but once in a while it bacame need.

Her interaction with Adrien last night and the peaceful sleep freshened her up to her usual self and made her forget the incidents in office.

She attended her only class of the day , came back at the mansion to changed in 3/4th length  maroon shirt dress and black cardigan , took her bag and went to the office.
She sat on her assigned seat and waited for Adrien to come.
She noticed some guys giving her creepy stares and some girls whispering and giggling looking at her. She noticed it but ignored it and gave yesterday's familiar looking Blondie a polite smile which he thankfully returned but it was clearly fake.
Her senior seated next to her smirked at her evilly with warning glint in her eyes.
Emerson averted her eyes.
She got a text and was about to read it but Adrien and his 2 employees entered the room.

He started presentation on HR management in first hour and strategy model in next.
It was over soon and Emerson looked at her phone to see the text was Henry's to call him when free.

She nodded at Adrien as greetings who returned it while she called Henry.
He received it on the 2 nd ring.
"Hello sweets. Heard you are in the program and so now in office probably. I am here too. Come up at 34th floor. You can use private elevator. Password is **** . Liam will be in the lobby to receive you. We are having a lunch together. "
Without waiting for any reply he hung up on her.
She chuckled at his behavior.
She decided to use public elevator because using private will increase more problems to her than she already has.

As told, Liam was already there. He escorted her to a longue like area. Grandpa Henry was already sitting there with food served.
She sat opposite to him and greeted him.
"Good afternoon grandpa. How are you? "
"I should be asking it to you. You weren't at my home in the morning and Adrien told me you were asleep. Is your health okay?"

"Yes grandpa. I was just too tired yesterday and so I slept in. "

"Oh kay. I ordered veg momos for you with schezwan sauce. Hope you like it. "

" Thanks"
She said grace and they started eating.

Chatting lightly, they finished their food and bid goodbyes.

Emerson enjoyed her lunch, but Adrien on the other hand wasn't in too good mood. He thought Emerson would be back in the room after a few minutes like yesterday but he was wrong.
She didn't even greet me in words. Why is her behavior changing with places?
But he knew she was acting professional, unlike yesterday where she had a breakdown without tears.

When she came back, no one was back and so he asked her, "where were you? "

"With grandpa Henry. He invited me to lunch upstairs. "

"He was here? He didn't even tell me. Guess he loves you more than his grandson." He said rolling his eyes.

He saw Emerson's eyes widen comically.
"Did you eat? "

"Yes " He lied.

"Oh god you didn't have lunch yesterday too. It isn't good for you. " Her voice was concerned.
Adrien felt the warm feeling again.

She took a granola bar and gave it to him along with an appy fizz bottle.
"Eat it. Only 10 min are left. You shouldn't keep your stomach empty. "

He took and eat it while she opened her laptop and worked on something Adrien had no idea about.

For a student, she works more than me. Even straights A's don't require this much .

He finished the bar and drink, threw the trash in the bin and sat on his chair scrolling through his phone. He noticed a girl walk past him brushing her hand on his arm kept in arm rest of his chair.

Desperate bitches.

He scoffed internally.

The doubt session started. Some girls tried acting like innocent children acting dumb questions but he forced himself to keep calm and answer them.

One of the boys asked him,
"Do you think the HR department should control romantic involvement in work places? What is your opinion about such cases?"

Before  he could answer, the girl besides Emerson spoke,
"Why don't you answer this Emerson. Your yesterday's answer was too accurate. What about this one? "

Adrien saw a tiny smirk on her lips and he knew she was trying to humiliate Emerson. It's generally a conflicted matter. But he also wanted to see how Emerson handles herself.

"Having romantic or physical relationships doesn't matter."
Her answer was vague. Adrien frowned.

"You know this makes you sound like a desperate slut." A ginger haired girl spoke. Adrien saw Emerson freeze but he wanted her to defend herself.

Emerson took a deep breath and turned towards her.
"If the subject in question is  provoking the opposite party in extracurricular activities to be found iniquitous during working hours which can lead to obstruction in work , and the opposite party being multiple number is what causes the subject to be called slut. Appearance doesn't define the subject, rather their character defines.
If perty one and party two working ar same place gets involved romantically, it should matter with 3rd parties. In scenarios where a privilege of less work load is provided to either of the party by another, obstruction in working ethics, problems in personal life leading to diversion in the working hours, such cases are found, both the parties should be able warned once and if the case found again , the responsible party should be terminated. These laws can be included in employment contract making it clear for new recruits. If the parties are not able to effectively comply on good working ethics and keeping personal and professional lives seperate  is not possible for the parties, their termination would be their own loss because of their less self control. So it is up to the parties to how to work and their personal relations and feelings aren't any 3rd party's job to meddle in or astute. " Em took a deep breath and continued in normal English, " Aren't Mr and Mrs Stone working together for her designing company. Every Smith and Daniel Carlo for their leather manufacturing company. Santos brothers with their girlfriend and boyfriend in their construction company. " She took sip of her water." Rest things are based on people's way of thinking. The narrow minded thinking of people cannot be changed though. Short clothes , heels and make up don't make a girl slut and  decent , covering clothes with no make up and simple flats don't make them prude. " She finished calmly.

The ginger looked down in shame and the girl next to Emerson looked away with clenched jaw.

That's my girl.
Since when?
Adrien cleared his thoughts and throat.
"I agree. "
Others nodded with him, most girls cause he knew most of the girls wouldn't have understood her lawyer like language in their thick skulls. It would be a surprise if they even pronounced some words properly.

He decided it was revenge time.
"So what do you think about her opinion on the topic? Ms Wort, Ms Dickson. You were pretty interested in her answer, so what now? "

They both looked away speechless and embarrassed.
Adrien smirked.

"So you should know better than to accuse people and used wrong words in this building Ms Wort. Don't want to loose rest of the program now, do we? "

The ginger just nodded her head, her face pale.

When the meeting was dismissed, the girls didn't get a chance to threaten Em cause as soon as she was out of the room, Liam popped out of nowhere and walked her out of the building.

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