"You good bog, you look warm" Chip stood beside the two, sitting down on Harry's left knee with a shrug "only place available I'm not standing up"

"Alright lad" Harry went back to his phone instantly "that's fine"

"Do you erm~post on Instagram a lot?"

It was Addelyn who had finally cracked. She hated silence. It was too unpredictable and Harry was certainly giving her it, and for no reason at all.

"Nah~no not really. I post stupid shit or brand deals but I'm not a regular uploader" he stammered back.

That composure he thought he'd regained. Gone, Completely flew out the window.

"I swear my actual Instagram is like a spam account" she rambled freely now happy she'd grabbed his attention "you'd think it was embarrassing if you'd seen it"

"Then let me?" He raised his eyebrow.

"You'll honestly see a different side of me on there" she laughed back "you don't want to"

"Nah~yeah I do. Go on"

"Give me your phone"

He was quick to hand it over, not aware of how hard he'd been gripping it until he'd noticed the phone case imprint on the sides of his fingers. How was he so nervous without even realizing.

She brushed back to his home page of his Instagram, chuckling slightly when she noticed on his search bar the first page he'd been looking for was his own hashtag. He really did check his own edits, he wasn't lying.

Addelyn.Tate |~| - followed by Wroetoshaw

With the task done, she grinned mischievously opening the front camera taking a photo, pulling her sunglasses down to reveal her eyes. There was no harm in a single Instagram story and she was feeling confident, the pre drinks in the bedroom getting the best of her.

"Done" she handed him his phone back quickly.

With it, she used his leg as a stabilizer as she stood up to walk towards the taxi, it finally arriving as the rest of the lads were already miles ahead on the lawn.

"She's hot man" chip observed patting Harry on the shoulder "really hot"

"Says every other lad in the house" Harry scowled "come on"

Chip, Ethan, Harry,Gib, Freezy, Addelyn and lux had somehow ended up all sharing a taxi. Addelyn found it rather strange that she kept getting paired with all of the lads whilst the girls had a trio away from her, especially on a holiday Talia herself had invited her on and it had started to bother her just slightly. It had happened this morning too, when Addelyn had wanted to do something, the three wanted to do something else and she was over ruled.

Relax, she breathed inwardly. At least the lads were nice, and she could see herself enjoying their company.

"So, what's your go to drink" Gib asked the question from the front seat "please don't tell me you're a wine girl"

"What's wrong with wine"

"Nothing, it's just a low percentage drink"

•Some wine is ridiculous in volume" Freezy shrugged "the stuff we had in Ibiza floored me for 3 days"

"That was food poisoning" Lux reasoned

"I'm telling you bro, it was the wine"

"I'm partial to Gin and apple juice" she answered "what about you"

"Gin and apple juice?" Chip shot her a disgusted look "that's awful"

"It's actually not too bad" She argued bashfully "it's cheap too. Not everyone can drink posh drinks on holidays"

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