CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 1

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Helen smiled when she heard some appreciative murmurs and groans from the four survivors, commenting and remarking on the times over how long has it been since they had good food and scavenging through any scarce supplies during their long journey.

"Ohh man...I can't believe it's been so long since I ate a real fried chicken!" Murphy moaned, sounding muffled as his mouth is slightly stuffed and full of the food he's eating and savoring but he's being careful to not choke on it as he swallowed his piece and make sure that he doesn't disgust the others with his slightly bad table manners.

"You're telling me! long has it been since we ate and drank this kind of good food and water!?" Clarke commented as she gulped down in one go at the glass of clean clear water she just drank from.

Helen listened to them silently and looked like she was about to do some small talk with the survivors to get to know the new strangers better and find out more so that she can discreetly see whether they're truly good people or not, but then she suddenly heard incoming voices about to come out from another room. She faintly heard Draco almost shouting loud and sounding like he's trying to stop them from coming out to get to Helen and meet the new people but it was too late.

Little Faith, who looked to be about five years old now, was giggling and running away from her older brother Teddy, who is seven, sprinting and hopping happily and going around and through obstacles, as she's having fun playing the game of Tag with him and Teddy gave a mock growl like an animal as he chased behind his younger sister, trying to catch her so that she'll be 'It' next.

But then Teddy suddenly stopped almost tripping over his feet when he finally noticed the strangers inside their 'safe' home.

Teddy cried out, "Faith, stop!"

But Faith didn't stop because she didn't notice or see the dangers as she thought she was safe when she hid behind the chair that is Octavia's seat, thinking that it was her mommy Helen sitting on it because Octavia also has long dark hair but the difference is that her hair color's deep dark brown, almost making it similar to the color black.

It didn't take long in another second for Faith to know now when she looked up with her cute little face and stared up at a stranger's instead of her 'mother'.

Octavia smiled warmly, nearly surprised but also happy to see that children have somehow survived through the scary monster apocalypse. She asked kindly, trying to look polite to not frighten the little girl and show that she's a friendly kind of person, "Hi there! What's your name?"

Faith just looked up at the new stranger, straight into her eyes like she's trying to look deep into her very soul, even though she's only a little kid, but it didn't take long for the child to sense that this one and the other three new people are good and friendly and she smiled widely, showing cute dimples that made the others smile upon seeing this. 

"I'm Faith! I'm five! What's yours?" she asked adorably, almost making Octavia and Clarke coo at the girl's cuteness.

"I'm Octavia. I'm twenty," she replied back.

"Wow! You're old! But not too old like Mommy!"

Clarke chuckled at this and gently asked, "And who's your mommy? Oh, my name is Clarke, little one."

Faith nodded and then turned curiously at Bellamy and Murphy and then the two guys introduced themselves before she nodded at them in greeting too before she finally found and saw Helen, beaming and then running quickly to her side, gripping one small hand against her pant leg.

"Mommy!" she cried, telling the others and revealing that Helen is her mom.

"Faith, stop it! They're strangers! Don't tell them anything about us!" Teddy scolded his sister, scowling fiercely at the four of them like they're monsters instead of humans, and nearly growled almost animal-like as the little boy doesn't seem to trust them despite that his mom Helen and his sister Faith knowing better otherwise that they're good and friendly people.

"Teddy, don't snap at your sister, and don't be rude," Helen sternly but softly scolded her 'son' as Faith didn't seem to be frightened or phased by her brother's sudden harshness as she carefully leans over to pat them both on the backs. "Why don't you two go back to watching the other kids, okay? You'll play your games later once I have these nice people settle in."

"But Mom! What if they...?" Teddy asked, worrying for Helen like he really doesn't trust or like the strangers that barged into their supposedly safe cozy home inside the magical tent.

"Teddy, it's okay. Just go with Faith and look after the little ones. I promise I'll be alright and catch up. Hop to it then, my little pup," Helen told him reassuringly.

Teddy frowned not liking this, which Bellamy found it cute that a little boy could be so protective of his foster 'mom' when he can clearly see that the two kids are not Helen's biologically but he was deeply touched when she accepted and adopted them as her own and loved and cared for them. 


MONSTERS, MAGIC, AND LOVE (Harry Potter x The 100 TV - crossover Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя