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Author's POV
Well, Jennie was mad at herself that she had the opportunity to kill Jimin but she couldn't.

Her mother kept on thinking about what Somi said about her Jennie marrying into a Ques family, because presently in Seoul, Kai refused to marry Jennie until after the war.

It was either he comes home, dead or alive.

Jennie started catching feelings for him. She loved his boldness when he promised her the head of Jimin.

The day of the war,
Jimin wasn't the one fighting the battle, he assigned one of his friend to take down Seoul. His name was Mark.

Jennie thought that Kai was going to kill Jimin and bring his head.

Instead, Kai's head was brought and the Ques invaded their Palace.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo weren't quick to hide and so, they were abducted. Joy, my personal maid was also taken too. Lisa and I were shivering in our hiding place.

Jimin's POV
I was in my Chambers with my favorite bride, Seulgi, when an announcement was made Mark won the battle against Seoul and now, Seoul belongs to me. It was also said that he abducted some women.

I am indeed proud of Mark.

Mark's POV
After winning the battle against Seoul, I abducted some women, men, children and soldiers.

I asked king Namjoon to come and see me if he doesn't want his people dead.

When he came to me, he asked what he should do for me to release them.

I asked him to pay me a huge amount of money and also requested some other things.

He sighed in relief until I added every month. I asked him to pay me a huge amount of money and also requested some other things every month.

His eyes widened at what I said. He later agreed to my demand.

Namjoon's POV
You may be wondering why I agreed, I just couldn't let my nieces and some of my people died.

Every month, I pay Mark what he demanded until I got fed up.

A friend of mine who is also a Ques, advised me that the only way this problem can be solved was to meet the King of kings.

I refused, but after noticing that our kingdoms money was going down the drain, I went to the king of kings.

I was in a heated discussion with him, he wouldn't accept my offer because of his ego and pride. My friend, suggested that for this matter to be solved, there should be an agreement, more like something connecting us together.

He said that my eldest daughter should marry Jimin.

I could not agree with him so I left.

Jimin's POV
I smirked to my self after hearing his suggestion. I'll be very happy to have the honour and pride of Seoul as my wife.

I know Seulgi won't be happy but right now, I can't care less.

I pondered over what my Ques friend said. I also thought about what Jennie told me.

Father, Jennie called,

Yes my love, I answered

I'm ready to sacrifice my life for Seoul. Father as you go to meet Mark, do what he he requires of you.

OK Jennie but I have to go now.

After pondering for a while, I succumbed to my friend's suggestion.

I agreed to letting my Jennifer marry Jimin.

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