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(A/n; hey guys, sorry for not updating my story as promised. I was really busy with school work

Here is chapter 11👇

Seulgi was very angry with Jennie as well as Jimin so they both hatched and evil plan on how to humiliate her.

While Jimin was discussing with King Namjoon and some aristocrats, somehow a matter was brought up about Jennie's good cooking.

So, Namjoon suggested that she should cook for her husband.

When Jennie heard this,she was pissed off, she was going to cook for a man she despises.

After cooking, Irene came to check the food, she asked Jennie to taste the food.

Well, she had to, she was cooking for the King of kings, He's not an ordinary person.

After tasting it, she left the kitchen. As soon as she left,Irene instructed the maids that were in the kitchen to add pepper to the food to make it too spicy.

She wanted Jimin to loose control because of the food and then, shout at Jennie in order to disgrace her.

The food was served to Jimin, after tasting it first, Jimin could feel water gather in his eyes.

On the other Irene was patiently waiting for Jimin to stop eating the food explode but to her surprise, he kept on eating.

This made her blood boil as to why Jimin wouldn't say a word.

While on Jimin's side, although the food was spicy, he didn't say a word to disgrace Jennie or do anything that would reveal the nature of their relationship.

Jimin was in his bathroom, precisely inside a bathtub that looks like a swimming pool, it was full of red roses.

When Jennie entered the bathroom, she had to admit that the place was scenting so nice.

She came to meet Jimin because she wanted to discuss something with him.

Although she didn't Want to come to his bathroom, she had to because what she wanted to ask of Jimin was important.

She even went to his bedroom but was surprised to see his brothers there.

Taehyung and Jin made her laugh while she had a brief discussion with them.

While Jungkook teased her on why she was looking for Jimin, Hoseok smiled brightly at her while Yoongi was sleeping on Jimin's bed.

She couldn't even believe that Jimin would allow his brothers enter his room, she was getting to know him.

At last, Taehyung told her that Jimin was in his bathroom and that was why she was here.

She finally made her self known to Jimin after much contemplation on whether to wait patiently for him to finish bathing or go to him now.

I want to speak to you Emperor, she said.

Privacy, Jimin said making all the maids that were messaging and scrubbing his body leave.

What is it you want to talk to me about Queen Jennie? He asked.

I want to ask you to please, not say anything to mom and dad about our relationship if you are being asked.

I also don't want you to act in a way that mom and dad would know about our relationship.

So then, you want me to lie? I cannot tell a lie Queen Jennie because I don't know how to lie, Jimin said.

The King of KingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora