𝓲- new boy

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"AGAIN? ARE YOU SERIOUS, PHOEBE?" sighed Lee Fletcher, looking down on the brunette, who had her hands over her bloodied forehead.

He was exasperated, and rightfully so; the amount of times he or his siblings had to patch up the daughter of Hecate was astonishing. She always found new sick ways of injuring herself; it was as if she did it on purpose.

But the truth is she didn't; it wasn't her fault. Well not entirely.

See, she wasn't the kind to get in trouble with anyone, nor did she accidentally hurt herself training. No, whenever she got hurt, it was because of her own, idiotic, clumsiness.

It was quite embarrassing, really; when people thought of a daughter of Hecate, they always imagined her with a charismatic, powerful, and mysterious personality. Instead they found themselves with a useless, clumsy girl who could barely set one foot in front of the other without having her face gracefully meet the floor.

Okay, maybe not totally useless. She could make things float, sometimes. And she could see through the mist, if it was a particularly lucky day.

But anything else was just a fire hazard.

"What was it this time?" asked the son of Apollo while examining her bleeding wound.

"I didn't do it on purpose ! It's just that I was running late to archery class with Chiron- you know how he is, with being punctual and all..."  whinnied the daughter of Hecate while frowning.

" On purpose or not; it doesn't matter," he sighed, "gods, Chiron should really consider wrapping you some bubble wrap and tape you to a chair for the rest of the summer."

She snorted, "That would work for maybe like, two days. Being generous."

"You're fine." finally announced Lee. "Just drink some nectar and the bleeding should stop in a few minutes. You'll have a scar though."

"I like scars, they make me look badass." grinned Phoebe.

The son of Apollo rolled his eyes, «Badass? By the gods, Pheebs you ran into a door. »

She was already on her way out when Lee said "Oh, by the way, on the behalf of the entire Apollo cabin; please we are begging you, start looking where you're going."

She laughed, "I'll try. No promises though."


The next day breakfast was loud; there was a new rumor that apparently a new camper had arrived during the night and that he fought and killed multiple monsters with his bare hands.

MAGIC GIRL , percy jacksonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant