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A/n: I am so excited for you all to read this chap.💜

I stayed at the side of the door with the mini axe so tightly clutched in my hand as if my life depended on it.

It was a do or die situation for me. With the intention to slam the axe in his head right after he enters in the bathroom, I was ready to kill anybody who seemed like a danger to my baby.

I didn't let myself get weak nor I feared about the consequnces. Afterall I was adamant to save my child for whom I was ready to cross any limits.

And a loud bang could be heard when the door fell against the floor producing a thunderous noise. Without an aim, I just attacked him with the axe to which he dodged it so easily.

He caught my wrist and twisted it making the axe fall down from my grip.
He dragged me back to the room by my hair and held me against the wall with his whole body pressed against mine.

I punched his chest to free myself but by every second he was applying more pressure on my bump, my entire body felt as if it was on fire.

During my struggle, having no choice but to use the nearby empty glass kept near the window, I broke it on his scalp. He cried out in pain and palmed where he was hit.

I kicked him on his knee. His head was bleeding profusely. The tiny little shards of glass on his scalp was bloody red. He fell semi-conscious on the carpet and the white fluffy carpet soon looked red around his head with the blood seeping from his wound.

I started rolling his body with the help of my leg as I couldn't lower myself due to my bump. And after his whole blanked out body went inside the closet, I grabbed the first aid box and picked out all the shards from his wound with the help of the tweezer. I roughly bandaged up his wound enough to stop his bleeding. He was knocked out already. I could escape even without him dying and considering all the beautiful memories we created together, my humanity couldn't leave him bleeding.

I locked the closet so that even if he regains his consciousness, I would get more than enough time for me to hide myself from him.

I saw jiwon in the living room looking at me with a peaceful smile as I was pulling my suitcase with a worn out face.

'He knew about our plan from the beginning, jiwon. Only I know how I escaped from his grip. Please hand me my ticket so that I could go far away from here.' I stretched my palm at her to which she yanked it off elsewhere.

'How are you still not dead after all this  shit that happened?' I was amused by her neutral tone.

'What do you mean?' I asked, hoping she didn't take advantage of my vulnerability and betrayed me with her fake sympathetic gesture.

'What do I mean is...you should have been dead by now. You look absolutely fine.' She said inspecting me from upto down, her expression showing shitloads of unhappiness.

'Did you do all this on purpose for jungkook to kill me?' I asked, she was quiet but her eyes told me the truth.

'What if I say yes? What if I say I pretended to act nice to you? What if I say, I made that fake ass plan in your room knowing that there was camera and microphone in there from which jungkook could see and hear us?' She said from which I knew I got fooled again. The never ending cycle of betrayal was messing my head.

'Why did you even do that? I trusted you. I thought you were different. I thought you pitied my condition. Just why did you plot this whole drama? To hurt me, to make jungkook kill me in anger? Do you hate me to that extent for you to want me dead?' I was seriously shaken up with what jiwon said. She wasn't someone I liked too but it seemed that she hated me more than I thought.

'Yes, I hate you. I hate you beyond infinity. And more than that I hate jungkook. That little bastard, he is the reason why my whole life is a goddamn mess. He wasn't supposed to get born in the first place. He wasn't supposed to come and live with us after her slut of a mother died. He wasn't supposed to be the illegitimate child of my abusive ass dad. He wasn't supposed to receive equal love as me from my selfless mom. And he wasn't supposed to be the only one to not to get abused.' She madly screamed, mascara running through her cheeks due to her eyelashes being drenched with tears, she was utterly fuming in anger.

'And making his loved one killed which is you..would be like stabbing a knife straight to his heart. And if by any chance that happens by his own hand when his senses are blinded by anger, it would be a beautiful bliss for me to see him suffer when he realises later on what he has done. But you sneaky bitch managed to escape from his hand, didn't you?' She further added in her outraged tone.

Her dad being abusive, her and her mom getting abused was for real but she included jungkook in it creating a story by her own. She was way more vicious than her brother.

'Why did you come to save me, when he was beating me that day, then? He could have killed me the same day with him thrashing me up to such extent? Was it even necessary for you play with my feelings, and put my child's life in danger?'

'There was no surety of him killing you that day anyways. Besides, I wanted to make things extra spicy just so the little bit of mercy he shows after beating the hell out of you, would disappear as well!' Jiwon was mad. Her twisted mind and her twisted thoughts,...I failed to recognise them..

'Why are you even saying this to me now?' I asked her in a very shrilled tone.

'Because you won't be alive after this. You are the first person to hear about my past and I will make sure you are the last too.' A pshycotic smirk formed on her lips that dropped my heart to my stomach.

'Please don't...' I mouthed out.

'Well for the one who killed her own father, beg me all you want but mercy is the last thing you will get from me.'

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