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A/n: 60 votes and reach level 22,dear user!💜

I was wincing while painfully clutching the arm of the sofa as he was dabbing my bruised and swollen cheek with the ice bag.

And he was not being gentle at all. He was purposely hurting me by dabbing it too hard.

'Please do softly!' I pleaded and he stopped his movement.

'Is it hurting?' I let out an 'yes' upon his obvious question.

'It's good then. You have no idea how much you have hurted me today, so bear it.' He continued dabbing my bruise harshly for few minutes and threw the ice bag elsewhere making it collide with the TV screen.

'I can't believe you were actually about to leave me when I was nothing but nice to you. Why do you have to be like this? I would not have harmed you if you had just kept quiet about what you knew. I earn more than enough for both of us. Why do you even have to go to work?' He pinched the bridge of his nose letting out a huge sigh.

He was still on the same page, implying it was my fault again and again. Couldn't he fucking see he was torturing me? But no, making himself a victim after abusing me was what he had been doing. What could I even expect from an abuser like him?

'Don't you have anything to say?' He growled at me out of sudden.

'I am sorry. I won't do it again.' I said keeping my eyes on my lap.

Raising my voice against him was the stupidest shit to do that moment even if I was boiling in pure anger from within.

'Now what does this 'IT' you are talking about? Care to elaborate?' He said intentionally emphasising on the word 'IT'.

'I meant to say, I won't leave you again. I would be with you and only you.' A proud smirk formed on his face. He looked more than convinced upon what I said.

'That's what I expected from my little princess. I love you, babe!' He slowly turned my head at him, holding my chin as he raised both of his eyebrows at me to hear me say the same thing to him.

'I love you too, jungkook!' I sleazingly said when I really wanted to shout a big 'I hate you' to his face.

'Go and rest. I will come with your favourite burger in a while. And don't do the same mistake again. Your cellphone, laptop, certificates, I have it all. I am gonna find you even if you go to hell. So, only step outside the house unless you want to lose that. His stern voice and him pointing his index finger at my bump while saying 'that', it terrified me to the point where I was still sitting on the same spot for the last five minutes.

Jungkook was not in the house. And an another chance to try and escape would have made me feel hopeful if not for his very serious warning. But jungkook could be standing at the doorway to test me out. He was unpredictable and I stayed still not wanting to land myself in a horrifying situation.

Another five minutes gone by and a sudden slam of the door against the wall prevented me from dozing off to sleep.

I was not expecting jiwon to come and that too with a rushed and furious expression in her face.

She ignored my presence and started heading towards our room in a very fast pace.

I too followed her inside with very slow steps only to see her checking the drawers and cupboard.

She threw the glass paper holder on the floor and started tugging her own hair.

'Where is the money? Fucking give me money right now. Your boyfriend fucking promised me money but he turned out to be a sly snake.' She screamed and I had no idea for what she was asking money for.

'I have no idea what you are saying. Get the fuck out from here in a second. Come here only when your dear brother is home.'I yelled and she gave me a devious smile after folding her hands.

'Are you showing your attitude just because your boyfriend has started caring about you? But that bruised up cheek says otherwise though. Well, stop being delusional...he was just acting. That's it!' She sneered appearing as if she said something to be proud of.

'I know. I very well know he was acting. If you are thinking I would get hurt then you are wrong. I don't care anymore.' Her smirk fell upon hearing my remark.

'Fucking yeah! You need to know your place. I would have broke your hand, the moment you slapped me if not for jungkook involving me in his act. Requesting me to insult you deliberately so that he could win your heart by making himself a good guy in your eyes, he was really clever but seems like you already know all of it was an act. Good for you...' She nonchalantly said and I gasped in shock due to her words.

Although unwillingly, but she let out the bitter truth. Jungkook yet again proved how much shameful and pretentious he was.....

But whom could I even blame? It was me who trusted him so easily. And I was definitely going to correct my mistake.

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