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Tw: Cutting, depressing thoughts
I'll Put Start And Finish When Necessary

"Do more!?" Adora asked excitedly. Catra quickly leaned off her and raised her hands.

"N-Not in a bad way! Like, well I've gotten curious about some stuff I've researched and I've been wanting to try." Catra confessed, taking small breaks in between her sentence. She was nervous to finally bring this to Adora's attention and now that she did, there was no turning back.

"I mean like a kiss," Catra mumbled fiddling with her hands. Adora's eyes widened before she grinned towards her girlfriend. Catra noticed and became embarrassed. I don't think I can continue this conversation. Maybe some other time. Catra thought looked up at Adora. The blonde was now smiling sweetly at her causing Catra's heart to flutter. Maybe not. She seems ready.

"Please?" Catra mumbled immediately burying her head in her knees right after those words left her mouth. Adora's eyes widened as a smile plastered on her face. Catra peeked up just as Adora tackled her down in a hug.

"A-Adora? That's a yes right?" Catra asked nervously.

"Yes! Of course! After you shower and get ready I can show you!" Adora said, clearly over-excited. She jumped off the bed and ran outside leaving Catra on the bed alone. Catra gripped onto the sheets nervously.

"I was not expecting that," She muttered before slipping out of bed. Better get ready then. Catra grabbed her spare clothes from the closet and left the bedroom. She took her shower before going downstairs and sitting on the couch. Adora cooked two breakfast sandwiches and they both ate.

Soon after they ate, the two did what Adora offered to show. Catra felt proud afterward that she was able to ask Adora for this. She had no regrets whatsoever.

Start of Tw

"I'll be back, I'm going to the bathroom," Catra said standing up. Adora nodded as Catra walked upstairs and into the bathroom. Catra walked inside and slipped her shirt off revealing her bra. She glanced at the cuts on her shoulders before sighing.

She searched around the room for something sharp but couldn't find anything. Who doesn't have a knife in their bathroom? Catra shook her head before feeling a hand on her shoulder. She froze as she slowly turned around.

"Catra..." Adora whispered moving her hand.

"Y-Yeah? L-Let me uh m-my shirt." Catra stuttered about to put her shirt back on. Adora stopped her and gazed back at her shoulders.

"Why?" She asked as Catra's eyes started to water. She looked down and fiddled with her fingers.

"I... I'm sorry. I just... don't deserve as much as I have. You're too good for me and you deserve someone bet-"

"Stop." Catra stopped and winced. She's never heard Adora talk so demanding before.


"No. Stop. Don't you dare ever say that about yourself. You are a wonderful person and you deserve everything you worked for. Don't you ever say anything like that again." Adora demanded poking Catra's chest. Catra swallowed and nodded as Adora sighed.

"Please stop cutting. How has therapy been going?" Adora asked stepping back. Catra touched her shoulder before rubbing her neck.

"It's going good I just... I-I just..." Tears rolled down her face as she started shaking.

"Catra, calm down," Adora said as Catra started crying. Adora went to hug her but she pushed her away.


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