Chapter XXXX- Kaito's Trial (Part 1/2)

Start from the beginning

This peeked everyone's interest. "Who's key was it?" Rantaro asked.

"Actually it was Naoko, I guess I'm just confused as to why he'd give his key to Kaito. Mind explaining?" Sachio pressed.

Doll boi was crossing his arms and.. smirking. "I thought he was too dumb to give my key to someone. I suppose I was wrong." He laughed, "Guess it doesn't matter though, I'm not dead."

Maki looked as if she would burst from her fury but held it.

Shuichi came back into conversation, "Sachio, did Kaito give you a reason as to why he gave you Naoko's key?"

She sat in thought for a second. "He said I seemed close to Naoko, he is- sorry- was right right in a way. However, he only wanted to be responsible for one person's life. I presume that would be Maki."

Maki had glossy eyes but a pissed expression. By contrast, she didn't utter a word.

"I believe there are two things within the motive we need to focus on," Shuichi said.

Keade asked, "And what would those be Shuichi?"

Damn I hate her. She always flirted with Shuichi even when she didn't mean to. She doesn't even contribute much to the trials.

"When Kiibo lost Miu's key and how Kaito's spare ended up in Miu room."

Maki seemed surprised at the news, "His key was in Miu's room? That's not where I-"

"So where did you leave it?" Kokoro budded in.

"My room, which I-"

Rantaro finished her sentence, "left unlocked?"

Shuichi eyed Rantaro, "How do you know that?"

"Easy, I had investigating to do too. You weren't the only one. I overheard your conversation with Miu and knew that Maki was probably the one who originally had it. Pretty easy to put together. And since we couldn't keep our keys in our own rooms, that must have meant his key would be in Maki's room.

"Well I went to check it out, I figured I would pick the lock however when I turned the knob it was already unlocked. So basically, anyone could've gotten access to Kaito's key. I do want to clarify one thing, Maki. You kept the key in your end table right?" She nodded. "Good to know, because that draw was left completely open."

"Hold on- does that mean that whoever took it-" Shuichi started.

"Must've known about Maki having his key and the fact that her room was left unlocked or have a way to unlock it."

"Then I say the lying grape over there must've been the one to do it."

"Awe! Ya caught me!" I lied through my teeth. Most of the people looked at me surprised that I confessed, besides those from 53 excluding Keade and Rantaro.

Shuichi spoke up for me, "Why do you say that?"

"Don't ya remember Pooichi? He can pick locks! Like when we had to get into the art room in the previous game!"

Rantaro scratched the back of his head, "But as I said, it was unlocked anyone could've gotten in."

"Maybe the lying little abortion didn't lock it-"

Maki opposed that. "No, for once I can't say it was Kokichi. I did leave it unlocked. I didn't think it was important since I didn't sleep in there."

"Seriously I must say, you guys sure are lucky there aren't rules about those things otherwise we'd have quite a few rule breakers here! Nyahaha!" Monokuma added.

"Shut up bear," glasses boy spoke, I think his name was Eiko.

Monokuma whined, "Aww that's so harsh Eiko!"

"Anyway, how would whoever got Kaito's key get it to Miu's room?" Kokoro questioned.

Shuichi was deep in thought.

"Like I said, if it was Kokichi he could've picked the lock on my door!"

I laughed, "But you don't have any proof!

Rantaro chimed in, "But we don't have proof towards anyone else either."

"Didn't Rantaro just say he could pick locks as well?" Sachio pointed out.

"That's what Gonta picked up."

"Atua says it's not Rantaro!"

"That doesn't mean it's true!" Kokoro said.

Aimi murmured, "What about when Miu's key got lost-"

Shuichi came to a conclusion, "That's it! Kiibo, when you misplaced Miu's key, how long did it take you to find it?"

"Let me search my memory bank, ah yes. It took me about a day to find it after dropping it," Kiibo answered.

"If this plays into Kaito's murder," He gulped as he said that, "then it was premeditated."

"But why go through all that effort?" Naoko reasoned.

Shuichi placed a hand on his chin. "Maybe to frame Miu?"

Miu laughed. "If that was the plan, they must have shit for brains!"

"Like you!" I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Shut it!"

"Awe the bitchlet can't take her own words?" Miu was fuming.

Kiibo suggested, "So then this entire thing was a waste of time?"

"Nyahaha, you bet it was!" Monokuma confirmed.

Kokoro cursed him out, "Stupid bear!"

"Well, what's next?" Keade asked.

Kokoro looked to be pondering something. "What about the Monokuma file?"



Guess who didn't wait a month to write another chapter? In fact I have two and a half chapters after this finished. I'll try to remember to post them on Fridays! If I forget it'll probably just be until the next day.

Anyways, Hope you have a good day/night or whenever you're reading!

~silliesgirlz out

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