Lareos doesn't look any better himself. Not only did he have his ears bandaged from Zira's sound attack, but both his right wrist and left ankle are bandaged up from the burns he had to endure when Rufus blew up the cuffs that Rose trapped him in.

Lareos is the first to notice his comrades' arrival, and wears a bright smile while he raises his right hand as a greeting. "HEY GUYS, WHAT'S NEW?!"

All three agents cringe from the loud tone, but Lareos couldn't help it since the bandages were covering his ears.

While Rufus and Andreos cover their ears immediately, Nishiki took some effort to raise his hands up because of Rose's attack.

More than frustrated by his injuries, Nishiki uses his leg to kick Lareos' head. "KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!"

Lareos yells in pain as he holds his aching head, then goes to punch him, but Andreos acted quickly by ripping off the bandages from Lareos' head!

Lareos yells at the painful pull before he grips his head. "Agh, what the fuck Andreos?!"

"We don't have time for your nonsense! Cp 9 lost Wind Rider last night!"

Both agents freeze at the mention of their target, and go from bickering, to paying full attention to him. "What's the plan?"

Rufus can't help but snicker at their change in attitude, because when they're like this, they act like proper agents, so he knows they mean business. "It's simple, we join the cat's unit on their second attempt at the mayor. While they're busy getting their mission done on the inside, we stir up trouble outside of the mansion. From what I heard, Galley-La will be guarding him, so we slaughter as many as we can to draw out Wind Rider, and take her down."

Both injured men smirk at the plan, but Andreos looks over to NIshiki's arms. He knows that the ninja's arms haven't fully healed, and to prove it, he grabs an apple from a nearby table. "Nishiki, catch."

He tosses the fruit to him without further warning, and while Nishiki did move his arms to catch it, just before his face, he didn't throw it back at the offender like he normally would've.

The other agents were quick to notice this, so Rufus speaks up. "I see, Lareos' injuries can be dealt with, but your weakened state could cause trouble."

Nishiki widens his eyes at this and jumps out of bed. "I can't be on standby here! I don't care if I'm reduced to being the bait! That bitch needs to pay for what she did to me!"

The explosive man smirks at his comrade's lust for vengeance before he nods. "Alright, as you said, you'll be used as bait. Your state might not be a good match for the demon, but you should be fine against a bunch of carpenters. Your mission is to attract a large enough bloodbath to draw her out, and then the three of us will take her down."

"Hell yea!" Nishiki and Lareos jump in joy and practically start cheering much to Andreos' annoyance.

Andreos looks to his injured comrades, then to his superior, who seems to enjoy watching the others be so excited. Honestly, he hates when they get like this, because they look like wild animals getting stoked for a hunt. Sadly, he needs to deal with them for another item. "I'm glad you're excited, but there's still the issue about Dr. Vegapunk's test subject. Even with the bird's aura also being strange, it's not as strong as Wind Rider's. She'll be harder to track in this city."

The agents settle down at the reminder of the falcon on the loose, because Rufus and Nishiki forgot about her.

Lareos though, could never forget the fact that he lost to a fucking bird! His thirst for revenge is almost as strong as Nishiki's bloodlust against her. Still, something piqued his interest when he remembered the encounter, and puts on a smirk. "I don't think we need to worry too much. Wind Rider freed her, and escaped before Nishiki and I got in. When I started beating on Wind Rider though, she came back and attacked me. After we capture Wind Rider, I have a feeling that the bird will follow to try to save her."

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