~Chapter 12: Kong Isn't the Only King~

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(Time Skip)

"You just gonna sit there?" Conrad asked, staring at the window. "In the dark?" He got no answer. "You're enjoying this, right?" No answer. "Is this fun for you?" No answer again. "I promise I won't tell the Russians."

"I promise I will tell the Russians." Mason said, from her seat at the table.

"She's gonna tell the Russians." Conrad said, walking over and sitting down next to her. He picked up a pen and threw it at the window, causing a bang to sound on the other side of the window. "Why are you keeping us here?"

"I want to go home." Mason said.

"We get it." Conrad said. "There was no island. We never were on an island." A door opened and San and Brooks walked in.

"Island?" Brooks asked. "What island?"

"Brooks, what the hell is going on?" Conrad asked.

"Welcome to Monarch." Brooks said. Conrad chuckled as San and Brooks at down in front of them. Brooks put a file on the table and opened it, showing the pictures to them. "This island is just the beginning."

"There's more out there." San said.

"What do you mean more?" Conrad asked.

"This world never belonged to us." Brooks explained. "It belongs to them. The question is: How long before they take it back?" The lights became dark and a projection was shown on the wall. "Kong is not the only King." The projection showed pictures of a dinosaur-like monster called Godzilla, a pterodactyl-bird-like monster called Rodan, a giant moth called Mothra, and a 3 headed-dragon named King Ghidorah. Lastly, it showed a picture of Ghidorah and Godzilla fighting.

"What the hell is that?" Mason asked.

"The war." Brooks said. "A long time ago, about 24 years to be exact, an exploration team went to Skull Island." He pulled out a picture of a team.

"You're saying, someone went there before us?" Conrad asked.

"Yes." Brook said. "24 team members, led by Dr. Eric Shepherd." He showed a picture of the man. "You see, Shepherd was a part of this expedition. And he came across Skull Island like we did. Thought it was a new piece of land no one ever discovered. But—"

"You think he went there looking for something?" Conrad asked.

"Yes." Brooks said. "So, he gathered his team, and they went to Skull Island."

"Wait, who's this off to the side?" Mason asked, pointing to a young woman who was standing next to Dr. Shepherd in the picture.

"That was Dr. Shepherd's wife, Lisa." San said. "She went with them to Skull Island."

"The team was supposed to come back in 6 months." Brooks said. "But they never came back."

"No one knows what happened to them." San said. "So, the company send out a search party. All they found was pieces of the boat. It was burnt up. Like it was lit on fire. We think, someone went with them and sabotaged the expedition."

"Hold on a second." Conrad said. "What do these people have to do with the monsters on the projector?"

"The point is, we weren't the first people to go looking." Brooks said.

"That doesn't explain why we're here, Brooks!" Conrad said, as Mason looked closer at the picture. She noticed something about the woman, and she had an idea.

"San." She said, causing them to look at her. "Did the Shepherds ever have any children before their death?" San looked through the files of the Shepherds.

"There are no records of any." San said. "Why?" Mason grabbed the picture and held it up.

"There." She said, pointing to Lisa. "Right there." They looked closer and noticed what she was talking about.

"Is that what I think it is?" Conrad asked.

"I think so." Mason said. "Guys, I think Lisa was pregnant."

"If you're right then that means..." Brooks said.

"They could have survived." San said. "But Marlow never said anyone else was on the island besides the Iwis and himself."

"What if they didn't?" Mason asked. "What if they got to the island and died after? What if...What if they're baby's still alive?"

"Lisa would have had to given birth before they died." Conrad said.

"Wait, this was 24 years ago, right?" Mason asked, pointing at the picture.

"Yeah." Brooks said.

"24...24...I think I know who it is." Mason said. "This person looked to be around that age. And Marlow said they showed up out of the blue and way after he did. This person has to be the last Shepherd on the island." They looked at her in confusion. "Guys, she saved us." Conrad put the pieces together and finally figured it out.

"Kala." Conrad said. 

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