~Chapter 9: Save Kong~

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(Time Skip)

We stopped when Brooks and San pointed their guns at us.

"Don't shoot!" Conrad said. They lowered their guns and we walked over to them.

"Conrad, which way are we going?" Brooks asked.

"You 4 need to go back to the boat." Conrad said. "It's that way." He pointed in a direction in front of us. "Wait for us till dawn. If we're not back by then, just go." Brooks scoffed.

"You ain't gotta twist my arm." He said.

"Where are you two going?" Hank asked, standing up.

"We're going to save Kong." Conrad said, causing me to look at him. He looked at me, smiling. I smiled back and nodded, thanking him silently.

"Not without me, pal." Hank said.

"Or me." Mason said. "I'm coming too."

"Then, let's go." I said. We started running.

(Time Skip)

We ran out of the forest and saw Packard.

"Packard!" Conrad shouted and pointed his gun at the man. We walked to stand in front of Kong. "Kala, go to him." I nodded and ran over to Kong. I kneeled down in front of him.

"Kong." I said, touching his noise, but he wasn't waking up. "Kong?" He didn't answer me. "Kong?!"

"Don't do it." I heard Conrad say from behind me.

"Kong!" I shouted.

"I asked you fellas nice the first time." I heard Hank say. I glanced behind me to see Hank had a gun to one man and a sword to the other. Mason was holding a gun to another.

"We don't wanna fight here, Packard." Conrad said.

"This thing brought us down!" Packard shouted. "It killed my men!" I turned my head back to Kong.

"Kong?" I asked.

"Kong was just defending his territory." Conrad said. "He was protecting his sister!"

"We are soldiers!" Packard shouted. "We do the dirty work, so our families and our countrymen don't have to be afraid! They shouldn't even know a thing like this exists!"

"But he does!" Mason shouted. "Kong is like any other creature! Alive and breathing! For crying out loud, he has a family! Who would we be to take that away from him?!"

"We would be doing our country a favor." Packard said. "Sacrificing one for the many."

"You've lost your mind." Conrad said.

"Kong, please." I said but no response. I started to cry.

"Put that detonator down." Conrad said. I heard beeping.

"Stop!" I said, turning my head to them. Packard looked at me. I heard tears streaming down my face now. "The world is bigger than this. Please. Don't do this. He's the only family I have left."

"Bitch, please!" Packard said. He turned to Reg. "Slivko, get her out of there!" Reg pointed his gun at me but had confusion in his eyes.

"You know it's the wrong thing to do, son." Hank said. Conrad moved over a bit, so he was in front of me and pointed his gun at Reg. No one said a word. Suddenly, Reg pointed his gun at Packard.

"Put it down, sir." Reg said. Packard was about to pull his gun out of his pocket.

"Packard!" Conrad said, stopping him. The other soldiers lowered their weapons. "Come on. It's over." Suddenly, I heard something. I looked to my left to see something coming out of the water.

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