~Chapter 8: Packard's A Liar~

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(Time Skip)

"Now, look, Colonel." Hank said to the leader. "You may outrank me, but I've been here a hell of a lot longer. And I'm telling you that thing that just shredded us was only the first of them. Now we're on their turf, and we need to turn back toot sweet!"

"Not as long as Chapman's still out there." The leader said.

"I'm sorry, Colonel Packard." Conrad said. He held up the tags from the skull. "Chapman is dead."

"Doesn't change a thing." Packard said. "We're still going to that crash site."

"Did you not hear a word he just said?" I asked. "Chapman is dead! And if we go back, we'll be too! It's over!"

"It's not over until I say it's over, Princess!" Packard said.

"What's at that crash site that you want so badly?" Conrad asked.

"Weapons!" Packard said. "Enough to kill it!" Shock and anger filled my veins.

"Kong didn't kill Chapman." Conrad said.

"But he did kill these men!" Packard said, holding up the tags. "My men!"

"He was protecting his home." I said. "My home! How would you feel if someone came into your home and destroyed it?! Huh?!"

"You can't kill Kong, Colonel." Hank said. "Kong is God in this island. He's the only thing keeping them lizard things in the ground."

"He's right, Colonel." Brooks said. "We can't kill Kong. Now, that other creature? That's the threat. And there are more of them down there. If you take away a species' natural competition, they'll proliferate out of control!"

"Then we'll end them, too!" Packard said. "After we bring this thing down." Oh hell no.

"We can't let you do that, Colonel." Hank said as we pulled out our weapons and pointed them at him. Packard knocked the sword out of Hank's hands and pushed him to the ground. I grabbed his gun and pushed it, so it hit him in the face. I pushed him back away from Hank.

"You dare to defy me, girl?!" He asked.

"If it means protecting Kong, then yes." I said, pointing my knife at him.

"This is one war we are not gonna lose!" Packard said.

"Nuts!" Hank shouted. "You hear me?! This is nuts!"

"Please! You need to listen to us!" San said.

"We're not at war, Colonel. You're making a mistake." Brooks said.

"Your lies got my men killed!" Packard said, pointing his gun at Brooks.

"And you're gonna get us killed!" Mason said.

"Not if we kill this thing!" Packard said.

"You are NOT killing my brother." I said in a deadly tone. He turned to me.

"Your brother?" He asked and laughed. "You're just as screwed up as any child raised by animals. You're not even human. I should shoot you right now for even protecting a monster."

"He's not the monster, Packard." I said. "You are." He pointed his gun at my heart. Conrad quickly got in front of me and pushed me back behind him.

"Not our fight." He said.

"Whose side are you on, Captain?" Packard asked.

"Okay, Colonel." Conrad said. "You'll find your Sea Stallion 3 klicks up that ridge. Now, I'm gonna take these civilians back to the boat. And we'll wait for to you there. Alright?"

Female Tarzan [1] •James Conrad•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora