Chapter 25

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Ana's pov

I had already given out my urine sample and carried out the other tests I was asked to carry out and I have been sitting at the waiting room for close to an hour now.A nurse walked out of the doctor's office and invited me in.In the office I was offered an envelope which happened to contain the results of the test.After thanking him I left the office.I decided I would only open the envelope in the comfort of my home.

To calm my nerves,I decided to prolong the checking of the results by stopping at a pizza joint where I ate a medium size pepperoni pizza,then  from there I went to a shopping mall where I got a few gowns and two pairs of flats.I don't exactly know why I bought the flats since I usually don't wear them.
After shopping,I went to spa then passed by a library to rent out some novels before finally going home.

By the time I arrived my house,it was almost 8pm.i dropped my bag,went to the kitchen and got a glass of water from the kitchen,sat on the love seat in my living room before going ahead to open the letter.

My hands were seriously shaking as I tore the envelope open making sure to not tear the results.

Finally reading the results,it's was like my lungs had been blocked by a truck, like I had been stabbed in the chest.i felt like i was body was numb.Everywhere seemed dead silent until I heard a loud shrill.The voice sounded so distant that I hadn't even realized it was indeed my voice.

Then I felt the first set of tears leave my eyes,then the second,then the crying came on a full swing with tears cascading down my face like a waterfall. The results showed that I was almost 3months pregnant.

I cried for my life
I cried for Gray
I cried for my future
I cried for my unborn baby
I cried for my death mom.

I cried so much that I ended up having hiccups.I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep there while crying until I woke up and found myself still on the seat.

With my swollen eyes I walked to the bathroom like a zombie where I changed into my nightie and went to bed with many things on my mind,the most out standing being that....

I would soon be a mom.

Hey guys.

Just thought it wise to tell you that Passionate love will have a total of 49 chapters ,1prologue n 1 epilogue

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