"Amy...its not Mr. Kim's fault.", Jungkook stated, "Its your cousin who's not allowing him to share his number with you. As he thinks you might get into some problems with your brothers."

"No...I don't believe this.", she retorted immediately, "Hobi won't do anything like this with me. He must be also dying to talk to me but this Kim Taehyung won't be allowing him.", she humphed in annoyance.

"But why he'll do that, Amy?", Jungkook queried as he took a turn.

"Because he is jealous of me.", she blurted out.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows at her which made her to let out a sigh.

"Because Jinnie oppa spend more time with me...with us. Most of the time he stays in our house instead of with his brother that's why.", she clarified his doubt.

Jungkook nodded while getting his doubt cleared but then he asked again, "How did you know? Did he ever said something to you?"

Amber shook her head, "No...but I know. I can feel it and more over, JK, the fact is he hate us especially Joonie oppa."

Jungkook was about to open his mouth but before he could do that he was stopped by Amber, who immediately spat out, "Its a long story, JK. I'll explain it some other day. Now its time for my dance classes."

As the last words left from her mouth, the car also came to halt before the academy.

It was a normal day in Taehyung's office with the CEO and his PA working on their current project of talent hunt.

They have done everything that required for their project...arranged competitions in the selected cities... picked up the best singer...dancer and performer...and now they have to just shortlist some of the participants.

They were engrossed in their work when Jimin's phone vibrated. Taehyung lifted his eyebrow when he saw Jimin was not responding the call.

"Jiminaah, your phone is buzzing since morning. Why you're not attending it?"

"Because I don't want to.", Jimin replied in a cold tone without averting his eyes from the papers on the table.

Taehyung drop the marker on the table and leaned back on the chair, crossing his arms infront of his chest.

"You have been avoiding him since that day. Can I know why?", he asked sarcastically.

"No.", Jimin's answer was cut short and straight witout any hesitation.

His eyes were still stuck on the papers, shortlisting the names of the participants.

"Jiminaah!", Taehyung released his arms and leaned forward on the table, "When hyung always avoided you, you always prsued him but now when he himself calling you...you're showing your useless ego."

Jimin didn't answered him back. He sighed and again busied himself with the papers on the table. With his actions he made it clear that he didn't wanna talk about it.

"Chim, hyung is calling you so many times it means he wanna talk to you. Listen atkeast what he wanna say.", Taehyung muttered frustratingly.

Jimin put his pen down and averted his eyes towards Taehyung, "I know what he'll say. Except appologising he has nothing to say more and I don't wanna listen his sorry."

Jimin's voice was soft but Taehyubg could easily sense his annoyance in it.

"Chim, don't you think you're increasing the gap between you and hyung. You should try to stay close to him...should help him to move on from his past."

"I don't know, Tae but right now I'm not in a mood to handle his crap. I'm sorry but right now I'm a mess, I need some time to calm myself.", Jimin spoke as he hung his head low.

"Chi....", before Taehyung could complete his words, Jimin's phone buzzed again cutting his words in the middle.

Both of them stared at each other and this time Taehyung took the initiative. Receiving the call, he placed the phone near his ear.

"Hello, hyung."

"Taehyung, you received the call? Where is Jimin?", Hoseok rebuked back immediately.

"Hyung, Jimin...", Taehyung gazed at Jimin who shook his head mouthing the words 'I'm not here'.

"Where's Jimin, Tae? I wanna talk to him.", Hoseok sounded desperate.

*'What an irony?! When Jimin craved to talk to you that time you pushed him further and now when you need him he is avoiding you...'*

Taehyung chuckled mentally.

"Hyung...he is sitting infront of me.", Taehyung said making Jimin to frown and mouthed him 'What??' in sheer annoyance.

Taehyung nodded his head, closing his eyes softly, "I'm switching on the speaker, hyung. You can now talk to Jimin. He'll listen."

Jimin simply shrugged his shoulders moving his hands in air and then crossed his arms infront of his chest, humphed annoyingly.

Taehyung chuckled at him and switched on the speaker, placed the phone on the table.

"Jiminie....", Hoseok's soft mellow voice resonated in the cabin. Jimin immediately straighten on his seat. Both of them shared a look.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry to hurt you, Jimminie but trust me I have never ever thought of hurting you in my dreams. Jiminie, you're the most adorable person I have ever met in my life...you're my very good friend, Jiminie....", Jimin gasped hard, "...please don't behave like this... please! Don't pretend like nothing is bothering you. Don't avoid me like this...we can talk and can come up to some solution. Please I don't wanna lose a friend like you. "

Jimin didn't answer anything. He kept his head hung low. Hot tears stung his eyes, dared to apill but he tried his best not to cry. Hoseok's words really hurt him to the core. He longed for his love but instead of that he was friendzoned.

"Jiminie, are you listening? Please say something.", Hoseok demanded desperately.

Taehyung grabbed the phone and uttered, "Hyung, Jimin has listened everything and don't worry he is fine but he need sometime. I hope you can understand, hyung."

Hoseok hummed in response and reluctantly hung up the call.

Taehyung sighed, moving his hand in his hairs. He kept the phone on the table and slided it towards Jimin.

"I know what you're feeling, Chim but I think this is the right thing. If you want to win hyung's heart you have to be with him."

Jimin sniffled and nodded. Taehyung trotted closer to him and placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"Its hard but if you don't wanna lose hyung you have to endure this pain."

Jimin didn't speak anything. He just kept sniflling with his head hung low. Taehuung encircled his arms around his shoulder and rested his chin on Jimin's crown, pulling him closer to himself.

*'Now just watch Miss Kim Amber how I'll get back my both hyungs from you. This time you'll reap the fruits that you have sown.'*

Unaware of those revengeful thoughts of Taehyung, Amber was busy in her dance practice. She was totally engrossed in her practice. Jungkook was watching her in awe. He was mesmerised by the fact that how her personality totally get changed whenever she dance.

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