"You don't understand" he mutters, getting his tray as well "Zayn, Liam is just different with you, okay? I can see it. Yeah, they both cuddle all the time, but-"

"No, please don't give me hope" I request "I don't want to get hurt"

"As if it doesn't hurt you to be just friends with him" he says and I close my eyes. "I'm sorry, but I just want you both to be happy"

I hush him down when we reach the other boys.

"Neck kisses, I guess" Liam is saying when we are within ear shot and I blink at him.

"Really?" Louis giggles with a smirk thrown my way. Harry is yet to arrive.

"Yeah, absolute weakness of mine" Liam flushes while grinning sheepishly. I open my mouth to question why the hell they are discussing what their weakness is, but Niall whispers to pretend like I didn't hear that. Neck kisses? My thoughts turn indecent and I try hard to shut them down.

"Hey guys" Niall says as I sit down in between Niall and Liam, who gives me a puppy smile as greeting.

"So, what are we doing this weekend?" Niall questions us.

"I and Louis have a date" Harry informs us as he emerges out of nowhere and I raise my eyebrows.

"Okay then, Zaynie?" Niall turns to me, ignoring the way Louis kisses Harry's cheek with a loud smack.

"I don't know, maybe I can give you more guitar lessons" I muse.

"I'd love that" he grins and I smile back.

"You have got a beautiful smile" I tell him and he blinks.

"Thank you" His cheeks turn red slightly and I chuckle.

"Never stop smiling" I pat his cheek and he nods. "Isn't he cute?" I ask others. Harry is like 'yeah, yeah, whatever' while Louis is like 'I know right?' which earns a raised eyebrow from Harry.

"Thanks mate. But I'm straight" Niall says and I roll my eyes, as if I was hitting on him.

"What a pity" Louis says "Zayn must have wanted a piece of that ass"

I choke on nothing while Niall turns beet red. Before I can protest, Niall beats me to it.

"First of all, eww" Niall scrunches up his face "Second of all, nobody is going anywhere near my ass. No offence, Zayn. I'd totally date you if I was into dicks"

"Hey, I never said anything about us dating" I point out "It was Louis and his annoying little mouth"

"You just called him cute" Harry points out, teaming up with his boyfriend.

"Oh yeah, I can call you cute as well. That doesn't mean I'll date you" I say, narrowing my eyes.

"I will rip your dick off if you even imagine that" Louis tells me and I roll my eyes for umpteenth time. One day, it's going get stuck there, I'm pretty sure.

"Puh-lease" I mutter "Shut it, both of you. Annoying brats"

"You were the one to start" Louis says, his mouth half stuffed with mashed potato "Isn't he cute?" he mimics me terribly.

"Louis, no" Harry shakes his head to him with a pointed look at Liam. I turn to look at Liam, who I didn't realise is picking at loose thread in my jeans by my knee, his face set into a frown. The way he is picking at the loose thread, it was like he wants my attention without asking for it.

Niall nudges me pointedly and I didn't know what to say.

"Uhm" Louis clears his throat with a smirk. "Liam, honey, you okay?"

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