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7 months later

THE YOUNG COUPLE were sitting on the couch in the living room while eating some popcorn. Milrs rested his head on Y/N's now big stomach and lightly kissed it.

"What do you think we gonna have?" Miles asked and kissed Y/N's belly again. "I don't know, but i really want a girl." Y/N said and looked down at Miles.

"I want a girl too." Miles said and lightly tapped on Y/N's stomach and then the baby kicked. Both teenagers eyes went wide. "Did it kick?" Miles asked with wide smile on his face and poked Y/N's stomach again.

The baby inside of Y/N's stomach kicked again and Miles kissed the place where the baby kicked. "It was the baby?" The voice behind them said and both teenagers turned around their heads and saw little Flora stand between the doorway into livingroom.

"Yeah." Miles said and gestured Flora to come closer to the couple. The little girl came to Miles and Y/N, and then Miles grabed hi little sisters' hand and placed it on Y/N's stomach and the baby kicked again.

"Wow." Flora said and slowly rubbed Y/N's belly. "Have you a name for him?" The little brown eyed girl asked amd both teenagers looked at eachother. "Him?" Y/N asked and giggled.

"Yes, him. I have feelimg inside of me it's a boy." Flora said and shrugged. "So do you have amy names?" Miles' little sister asked amd looked at her big brother and his girlfriend.

"Yes, we have, we have actually two for boy."Y/N answered to the little girl.
"And also we have one for the girl." Miles added and gave Y/N quick peck on her cheek.

"Oh, can you guys tell me." Flora said and started jumping up and down from excitment. "For boy we have Tyler and Joey." Miles said and looked at his girlfriemd and smiled at her.

"And for girl we have Annee." Y/N said and Flora's eyes went wide. "Do you want to name your baby after our Mom?" Flora asked and tears start raised in her big brown eyes.

"Yes, i really loved your mother so we decided if it will be girl, she will have name after your mom." Y/N said and wipped Flora's tears.

"And we were thinking, me and Y/N can't choose one name for the boy, will you Flora Fairchild my little sister, the one person who choose the name for the boy?" Milrs asked and looked at his little sister with big puppy eyes.

"Umm, i think Tyler is pretty cute name." Flora said. "HA! Told ya it will be Tyler!" Miles yelled and start with some his victory dance.

"Flora, there you are."the voice behind them asked and all three turned around towards the voice. Kate.

"You just ruined the family moment." Miles said and Kate looked at him with 'really' look.

"Yeah, i ruined the moment amd this slut ruined your life." Kate said and Miles gave her death glare.

"How did you just call her?" Miles asked start slowly walking towards now scared Kate. "HOW. THE. HELL. DID. YOU. JUST. CALL. HER?" Miles said against his teeth and Kate was now against the wall.

"I called her slut! She's bad Miles! Don't you see?" Kate shoted back at Miles and then she realized she made a big mistake. Miles lifted his hand but then sudenly something stopped him.

"Stop Mi. She's not worth it." Y/N said and Miles looked at his girlfriend. "Sorry." He murmured and stood beside his girlfriend.

"Watch your man." Kate said and styled her messy blonde hair. Y/N just looked at her and smirked. "You should watch your mouth." Y/N answered and winked at Kate, and then leave along with Miles.

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