~ Chapter 19 ~

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Everyone stood in the formal room of the Archeron mansion, decorated in a ridiculous amount of colourful fabrics, expensive jewellery and some, covered head to toe in hidden weapons.

Zhysa was one of them. She had dressed herself head to toe in a fine black suit, her hair wrapped into a graceful bun at the bottom of her neck, knives hidden in the pockets and her khopesh on full display. Feyre had decided to dress ornately, a white chiffon dress with gold accents and a golden diadem that matched Rhysands dark metal crown.

The letter had come a week ago, the queens stating their requirements if they were to meet in the human lands. Just pure demands; the geographical location of the house, the layout and size of each room – even where the furniture was. They pulled out every precaution and Azriel had delivered the information.

Nesta and Elain, in black and light blue gowns respectively, stood behind Zhysa rather than their sister. Over the past few weeks, Zhysa had been coming and going in order to deliver the letters or sent Birch in her place. She assumed it had fostered some assurance from the two skittish humans.

They all waited in anticipation, the tension in the room rapidly rising as time approached. Soon, the clock on the mantel hit eleven o'clock and chimed. On the last chime, as the wind rushed through the room and five figures appeared, each flanked by two guards. Zhysa immediately realized, somehow, the queens had developed a way to winnow.

They were all a mixture of age, colouring, height and temperament. All different, but all held that same demeanour. The first one was old, brown-skinned with wrinkles carved deep into her face. The next two were opposites. One light. One Dark. One Smiling. One not smiling. Zhysa repressed a shiver as her gaze drifted over them. The next was a black-haired queen, a sly, cunning smile adorning her simple face. And the last was the most beautiful of them all and was clearly going to be directing the conversation. She was young, with curly blonde hair and amber eyes. Her brown skin was freckled and seemed like it was dusted in gold.

"Well met," Rhysand started. Elain and Nesta moved towards the bay window and Zhysa followed, undertaking her role as their guardian during the meeting. Her khopesh was sheathed at her side and she kept her hands away from the hilt.

"We are grateful you accepted our invitation. Where is the sixth?" Rhysand inquired. The ancient queen answered. "She is unwell, and could not make the journey." Zhysa frowned.

"You are the emissary?" Feyre tensed and answered back curtly.

"And you are the High Lord who wrote us such an interesting letter after your first few were dispatched." Rhysand simply blinked and confirmed. Rhysand then introduced Mor, the queens stalling in slight awe and shock.

"I assume these are our hosts." They looked over to where Zhysa was, noting the two humans that stood behind her.

"My sisters." Feyre clarified. The queens looked in their direction, seemingly passing over Zhysa's own existence.

"You have an hour of our time. Make it count." Rhysand looked at Feyre and she stepped forward.

"War is coming. We called you here to warn you – and to beg a boon." The queens didn't look surprised at all and instead just hummed.

"We know war is coming. We have been preparing for it for many years." The oldest voice crackled like burning leaves.

"The humans in this territory seem unaware of the larger threat. We've seen no signs of preparation." Feyre explained.

"This territory is a slip of land compared to the vastness of the continent. It is not in our interests to defend it. It would be a waste of resources." Zhysa had assumed as much. After sending letter after letter with only a small response, for them to even hear them out was a big thing. She glanced as Nesta's back straightened as the talk continued.

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