~ Chapter 4 ~

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Zhysa and Feyre had set out not too long after that. Zhysa bringing only her favoured khopesh and a few ash wood handled dagger that she couldn't wear without her specialised gloved.

They had just arrived at the wall, Feyre not even blinking before she walked towards the hole in the wall. Unlike Feyre who couldn't sense the magical pressure, Zhysa froze at the intensity of the wall which she had felt twice in not even a year.

Feyre had noticed that Zhysa had stopped and called out. To remove suspicion she quickly made a joke and tried not to flinch as they squeezed through.


Prythian looked the same. That was the first thing Zhysa noticed as they started their trek.

It had been a little bit of a journey towards the High Lord's residence, Feyre being human needing more breaks than Zhysa did. They pushed through the foliage of the never ending spring and eventually came to a ravaged home.

Feyre made a noise of distress and started sprinting. Zhysa let her. Zhysa could only sense one magical pressure and it was a weak one, most likely a servant or maid that survived.

The walls had cracked and the foliage was ripped and pulled all over the estate. The exquisite statues had limbs broken off and destroyed into dust. Blood covered the inside of the house, 2 drag marks prominent that lead to the outside and prints that followed.

It was true desolation.

Zhysa turned as she looked at the tree-bark covered female that looked at Feyre with slight blame.

Not liking that look Zhysa drifted closer.

"Alis" Ah, the faeries name. The tree barked fae turned white and whispered "You can't be here"

Zhysa agreed. "You were told to stay away" Feyre interrupted.

"Is he alive?" Zhysa stayed hidden as the faerie talked.

"Yes, but-"

"And Lucien?"

"Alive as well. But-"Feyre shook slightly at the relief. "Tell me what happened – tell me everything" Alis looked around in suspicion and spotted the shadow of Zhysa. She hissed and pushed Feyre behind her. Feyre looked around in confusion and spotted Zhysa.

"Alis its okay, she's with me" Alis looked confused and sniffed at the faerie again. Just to tease, she let out a little magical pressure. Alis's knees buckled and she struggled to stay standing at her magical signature.

Zhysa smirked a little and looked away. Proving a point. Alis shuddered and deigned not to look in her direction again. "What are you doing here?"

"I had to come back. I thought something had gone wrong – I couldn't stay away. I had to help" Feyre explained.

"He told you not to come back" Zhysa assumed Tamlin.

"Where is her?" Alis sighed and covered her face with her hands. Zhysa noted the bird mask and assumed that was a curse.

"She took him" Zhysa froze. "She took him to her court under the mountain" Dammit. Zhysa's blood went cold and an icy nervous calm rushed through her body.


"Amarantha" Zhysa hissed at the name and turned her head.

"Why? And who is she – what is she? Please, please just tell me – just give me the truth" Alis shuddered.

"You want the truth girl? Then her it is: she took him for the curse – because seven times seven years went over, and he hadn't shattered the curse. She's summoned all the High Lords to her court this time – to make them watch her break him" Zhysa had guessed as much. Although she was slightly nervous that her uncle and father being in close proximity.

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