Chapter 19: It's the Beginning of Our Grand Trial! LET'S GO!

Start from the beginning

Looking up at the bright sky, I decide to push all these thoughts out of me for now. This isn't the time to be worrying about after the major battle to come. Right now, I should be cheering for her and Greninja. They worked so hard to get to this point, after all.


(Yuki's POV)

Greninja and I began walking towards the field, after talking some strategy. I know each Pokémon they'll be using in battle, alongside their basic tactics. Hala is a bit more straight forward then the others, Oliva is a bit more strategic, Nanu will try to get some negativity out of me, and Hapu... if I'm gonna be honest: I don't quite know what to expect from her.

Either way, we have the type advantage regarding moves on all four Pokémon, surprisingly enough. Although if there's anything I've learned from watching Ash on his adventures, it's that Type Advantages means nothing. You could be at a complete disadvantage, but a good strategy could easily change the tides.

I told the Kahuna's my preferred order... along with a request NOT to let Nanu be a ref. Knowing him, his laziness will take over and some sort of unfair call will be made. I don't need to deal with a Rowlet-Type situation right now... The other three Kahuna's looked at him, understanding where I'm coming from and accepted the request.

Greninja has stepped onto the field and I finally entered the trainer box. On the other side, Hapu and her trusty Mudstale stood. "I must say, I'm curious to know why you picked me first, Yuki. Of course, you're not gonna reply to that, are you?"

Greninja and I looked at her, quiet and confident.

"Well, if it has anything to do with the fact this Mudstale here was the one I was riding on... and it possibly not being at his best condition..." A smirk grew on the ground-type's face, "You plan already failed then."

The two of us stayed quiet, not responding nor changing our expression. We know at the end, we'll be having the last laugh...


-Flashback: Stratagy Meeting-

Greninja and I were sitting on a rock, eyes closed. Not wanting my plan to be found out, I thought it would be best to finally make use of that cloud-like landscape only we can enter.

"So this is what I'm thinking..." As I said these words, images of each kahuna and their Pokémon were lined up in a particular order, along with the Tapu I believed we would be fighting. (All I had to do was think of something and it would appear.)

'So ground first...'

"Yeah, but I have a reason for picking them first over the others." Now there was an image of imaginary situations showing regarding Kahuna Hala. "If we take on Hala right away, we would have to worry too much about being hit by a fighting-type move. I think it would be better if we set up beforehand."

'I agree, but why not the other two?'

"It's simple really. Compared to the other choices..."

-End of Flashback-


Kahuna Hala was in his place, ready to watch over the match. "Hapu, are you ready?" When she nods, he looks at Greninja and I. "Yuki, are you ready for 5 non-stop battles?"

Eyeing Greninja, he nods. Taking a deep breath, I focus on my Aura that lets my ring shine. It didn't take much to begin glowing. This has to glow the entire time or I fail. Greninja and I both have enough confidence that I c-we can do this. "I'm ready."

"Remember, once a Kahuna's Pokémon is unable to continue, it doesn't mean the battle is over. You must defeat the chosen Tapu." I nod, expressing I understand. He sees this. "Alright then. Grand Trial, BEGIN!"

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