Episode 2 - Hunt for Luck

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"Welcome back one and all to Total Drama Anarchy. Last time we were introduced to all the new contestants, 7 of them being from the Ridonculous Race. There's already drama and romance surfacing, and man I'm proud of myself for arranging those teams," Chris McLean chimed as he walked on screen. "Teams are moving into their new cabins, and then they'll meet me here to be assigned to their first challenge! Now don't go anywhere, because at the end of this, someone will be going home. Who will it be? Find out here on TOTAL. DRAMA. ANARCHY!!"

"I'm calling top," Kitty squealed  as she threw her bag on the top back corner bunk, followed by the rest of the girls. She took a quick selfie and gestured to her sister, which Emma reciprocated with a smile.

Crimson: How am I supposed to survive here for almost 2 months with all this j-joy? Oh no. I'm starting to crack. 

"Did no one hear me?" Heather screeched. "I said that I NEED a top bunk! Lindsay, move. That's my bunk.

Lindsay crossed her arms. "Sorry, Feather. I got here first. It's the law."

Heather screamed before storming out, closing the door behind her with a slam.

"Seems like she's still as stuck up as ever," LeShawna snorted, sitting on her bed under Crimson's. "I hope she gets what she deserves this season."

Gwen rolled her eyes as she examined the cabin and the girls around her.

Gwen: Ugh. In all the other 4 seasons I've been on, there is ALWAYS drama among the girls, while all the guys are having fart contests. And especially with Heather, Courtney and this new Emma girl... This just makes me regret ever coming on this show at all.


"Ha. Nice one, bro," Duncan snorted at Harold. "Bet I can beat it."

Duncan: I really couldn't be more bothered about these new people. I'm just more concerned about not dying. I saw that look on Chris' face as soon as I stepped off that stupid boat. I've seen that look before. And I hate that look. 

Mickey: When our parents told us that this was a good idea, we had never even heard of this show. We were still coping with the stress from the Ridonculous Race, and I'm pretty sure I have another 20 allergies to add to my list.

"Good luck with the competition, you guys," Bridgette said with a smile, fluffing her pillow under Courtney's bed. "Hopefully this Wawanakwa season is more successful for us girls this time, huh?"

Courtney smiled slightly. "I very highly doubt that, Bridge. Good optimism, though."

Heather entered the room with an evil grin on her face. "I've calmed down. It helps knowing that the hippos are completely doomed for this season. I mean, you literally have the weakest players from all the seasons."

"Girl, we are not starting this again," Leshawna hissed, walking toward her sworn enemy. "You PIGS are going down."

Emma: This is gonna be a very hard 2 months. I am going to be living with these girls. And half of them are on my team. What am I going to do?

"Guys, let's not fight, please," Bridgette pleaded. "Just for one season... PLEASE."

Gwen came up behind her. "You already know the answer to that."

Bridgette groaned as Heather claimed the bed under Lindsay's.

"ALL CONTESTANTS TO THE DOCK," Chris' voice rung through the loudspeaker.

Bridgette sighed as she headed out of the cabin. "These few weeks are going to be hell."

"Ahoy, campers," Chris called out to the 25 contestants as they joined him. "Ready for today's challenge?"

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