Chapter 27

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(Erin's POV)

We eventually arrive at Concord. The tour is still going on, just delayed. Very delayed. Sid is pissed at me and Paul but it was worth it. For 2 Days straight we kept asking him "Do you think this color fits me?" He's basically ignoring us. Me, Caitlyn and the guys get off the bus, and head for back stage to get ready. Corey officially announced that we'd be partially part of Slipknot. I head into my changing room and get dressed. I put on my mask and walk out. I see Jonathan waiting there for me. I run up and give him a hug.
"Hey kid." He says hugging back.

"It's been awhile. It's good to see you."

"It is. I came over to see how you were doing."

"I'm good." I respond. Jonathan gives me a smile, like a big brother proud of his little sister or some shit like that. I see Paul talking to Randy. He was here too? I slowly walk up to Randy to scare him but Corey gives me away.
"Hey Erin." Randy says smiling.

"Hey, I missed youuu." I say. Randy smiles and pats my head. I look over at Corey who looks...Jealous? I ignore it and wait for them to let us go on to stage.

~After the concert~
I walk off stage. The songs were the same as Vegas so I pretty much got it down. I walk into the changing room, change and walk straight to the bus. I kinda didn't feel like Talking to anybody so I decide to lay down on the couch in the bus. I close my eyes until I hear someone walk onto the bus. It's Corey. He looks at me.
"Why aren't you with the others?" He asks.

"Because I don't feel like it."

"Okay then I stay too." I sit up.

"Corey no, you need to go back to the others." He shakes his head and sits next to me. I look at him. He sticks his tongue out. I poke him. He pokes back. We keep doing this until he's an inch from my face. I blush heavily.
He smiles and moves closer and kisses me.

(Paul's POV)

I sit back in the chair waiting for Corey to come back. He said he had to go do something and told us to wait for him. We were gonna go out and party for a bit but he's taking to long.
"God damn what the hell did he have to do?" Jim asks.

"Chase after Erin I bet. You can see the love in his eyes." Shawn replies.

"Yeah, I wonder what their doing though?"

"I don't know and I don't want to find out."
I see Corey come back.
"There he is, and Erin." Sid says.
We all get up and get into a rental Van, because the tour bus would be too much. I walk next to Erin.
"Why did you leave?" I ask her.

"I didn't want to talk to anyone."

"What changed your mind then?"


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