Chapter 22

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(Corey's POV)

"Paul hurry up!" I scream. He runs out of the bus to the building with the dressing rooms. I kinda forgot what their called so I always call them that.
I head into mine and get dressed as fast as I can. after I'm done I look for Erin. I find her dressing room and I knock on her door.
"Come in." she says. I walk in and I see her holding the mask.
"Did you make this for me?" She asks. I nod.
"While you tour with us you are a memeber too." She squeals, and hugs me tightly. I let go and pat her back.
"Hurry up we don't have a lot of time. Did you practice?" She nods. I smile and tell her she will do great. After we all are dressed we wait for the stage crew to set it up. It takes a few minutes and we walk on to stage. I look around at the people to see their reactions. A lot of them looked surprised that there is 11 people instead of 9. I smirk. I wait a minute for everyone to get to their spots. after they do I grab the mic.
"This is gonna be one hell of a show! Are you fuckin' ready?!?" I scream.
Everyone screams in excitment...

*After the Concert*

I walk back stage and take off my mask. I wipe my forehead and I look around at the guys. They all are really fucking happy. I look for Erin. I see her with Caitlyn laughing their asses off about something. I smile to myself. We really pulled that off.
"Alright fuckers, let's fucking party!"
Shawn screams. The guys shout in agreement. We all get dressed back to our normal shit. Then I remember we have a meet and greet.
"Guys, postpone the party we have meet and greet!" I shout.

"Awww, as much as I love our fans in tired as fuck!" Sid shouts back.

"Come one, they are our fans, they support us and all the weird shit we do. Lets just go already." Mick says.

"Whatever." Sid says. He sluggishly walks up and we all walk to where the meet and greet is being held. We arrive and settle in our assigned spots. Erin and Caitlyn have a nice crowd around them. I look up to see someone I never wanted to see again...

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