Chapter 10

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(Erin's POV)

It's the day we preform. All night I practiced the songs and kinda got them down. Corey told me it would be okay if I messed up.
I find the dressing room I have. It already has the clothing and the mask. I put on the clothing and the mask. surprisingly the clothing fit me.
Joeys smaller than I thought.
I head out to where the guys are.
Paul screams. I laugh and flip them off. Chris and Paul snapped their fingers sassily. I walk over to Corey.
"So what do I do?" I ask. Corey looks at me then smiles.
"Just walk out on stage. However, we walk out in order so you'll be after Paul because your number is 1."
I nod and wait for them to get in line. I stand in line with them. Paul turns around. "I believe in you kiddo." He pats my head and we walk out. I'm literally about to pass out. I climb up to where the Master drums are set up.
I look out at the crowd. Most of them are staring at me. They probably think Joey Bleached his hair, Curled it then shaved the side. Corey takes the mic of the stand and starts talking. He mentions a bunch of stuff but I wasn't paying attention. I finally realize that EVERYONE was staring at me. Corey screams 'Give our back up drummer a fuckin' applause.' Everyone does. Finally we start. I hope I do an okay job..

We blew threw the songs fast. I didn't mess up a lot but I did okay.
We're at the last song The blister exists. When Shawn's and Chris's snare solo come up, Chris's snare breaks. It messes the whole thing up.
Without thinking I start playing the part and save the whole song.
I see Corey look back at me and give me a 'holy shit' look. it probably wasn't but I can't see through his mask. After the song, Corey starts rambling on how I 'saved' the song from taking a bad turn. Everyone cheers. After the curtains fall I rush to my dressing room Well joeys but it's mine right now. When I get there the door is wide open. I slowly walk in.
"Joey you in here?"
"I'm not Joey." A voice replies. I look behind the door to see a girl sitting on the floor.

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