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There was a boy who would sit on his lawn for hours at a time. Sometimes he'd sit there and think, sometimes he'd play his little guitar, and sometimes he would sit and draw the Peony bush in his neighbor's front yard. He loved that bush. He thought the flowers were gorgeous, and he could draw the petals with abstract squiggles, which made it easy.
One day, though, he got a little carried away. He read about how you could grow a plant from just a stem, and decided to pick one of the white Peonies from the bush.
Almost as soon as he had done it he regretted it. It was a cool idea, but it was still stealing. He was only ten years old, so he cried and he gave the flower back to the girl at the door— who was wildly amused by the whole ordeal— and apologized profusely.
The girl simply took the flower and gave him a smile in return before waving goodbye and retreating back inside.

Years later, when he was almost grown, he found he was spending a lot more time on his lawn again.

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