Chapter 10

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Tobias's POV

I was sure that I was dreaming, but I don't want to stop. She is standing next to me, her hair still damp from the shower. I can't forget how wonderful her towel smell and I honestly can't wait to get a whiff of her hair someday. The smell is magical, something floral and fruity and something else I can't quite put a finger on. It was something familiar yet so unfamiliar, it made my mouth water......NUGGETS!.....CHICKEN NUGGETS! It was amazing but how can her hair smell of chicken nuggets? God, it smelled so good I want to eat her, and the I feel something....her....not beside me but behind me.  

My eyes shoot open and a platter of chicken nuggets and side sauces was staring back at me an inch away from my nose.

"What the....", I turn to look her in those gorgeous blue-gray eyes of hers. Fucking sexy suspect!

"'Morning!", she beams." As promised you woke up to the smell of your breakfast."

I sit up in bed as she turned to set the platter down of the Breakfast-in-bed table. I reach under the pillow and make sure she doesn't see the weapon I keep under my pillow, inside my pillowcase as I place the pillow upright against the headboard.

"What do we have here?", I wink, rubbing my palms together.

"Payback for pizza. I'll let you enjoy your breakfast, and when you are done, you can come and do your share of the cleaning."

"Dang roomie! you are tough"

"Yes, your future roommates will definitely thank me!", she says. She turned to leave but I can't help but call out her name. She turns to look at me, her large eyes glow making me wonder if she is the dark person she is suspected to be. Something inside me tells me not to jump to conclusions without evidence.

"Yes, Four?", she asks with a sarcastic smile playing on her face when I kept staring at her after calling out her name.

"I was joking when I said I wanted to eat in bed. Come sit and eat with me.", I say getting out of bed just to realize that I was only wearing my boxers. I am so glad my damn dick was in control....I mean why can't there like be an option to control this thing.

"I'll wait outside while you put on something more decent, and I already ate. You didn't think I would wait to eat the food till you wake up and taste tested it for me?", she says laughing as I walked towards her, my Greek God-like body on display.

"You are such a show-off", she teases heading back to the dining area.

It was only moments later when I started to wander if the food angel who lured me out of sleep with a B-in-B was the same person yelling on the phone at the top of her lungs.

"Dad!! How could you !? You know how important it was, and you couldn't wake up on time!?"

She was clearly angry, and I am not sure whether I should pretend not to care and leave the room so she opens up on the phone, but before I could leave, she gestures at me to sit at the table.

"Find him, I don't give a fuck if you and a dozen people need to drive through out San Francisco all day long to find him.", she barks on the phone before hanging up.

"Everything good?"

"No, but I don't want to talk about it.", she drops her phone on the table and slumps into the chair.

" Anyway I can help?"

"Unless you have access to a dozen people who might go on a manhunt, then yes!"

"I might", I confess.

"Stop kidding Four. I'll let my father deal with the situation."

"I  can help if you want, just let me know."

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