Chapter 4

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(A/N The girl in the pic looks like Tris or Shai right?😅😅)

Tris's POV

My alarm went off at five a.m. It is Sunday; the first one I have had in two weeks where I don't have to work to complete my 60 hours per week. My heart and body both rejected movement, but my mind convinced me to go on a run, mainly to loosen the tight muscles after sitting so many hours in a chair at work.

I decide on having breakfast in the apartment today. I freshen up and go out towards the kitchen to make the pancake batter so that I don't have to work too much after coming back from my run. I go out and see that Four is still sleeping. I barely spend anytime in the apartment and I have seen Four only a couple of times in the week.

When you did see him, you did not see him per se.........

Okay you come up here too much....Who the hell are you!?

I am your conscience genius.

Conscience??....ohh like the small voice in the back of my head, right?

Yes, but I have a name and will prefer to be called by that.

Really! and what is that?


Oh okay Christina, if I wasn't looking at Four then what was I looking at?

His ass.

Ugh! I hate it when you are right 😒😒.

I chastised myself when I was so clearly drooling over his ass and back when he was talking on the phone standing in the balcony. Oof his back! It has a beautiful tattoo which curls around his neck and peeks out of every t-shirt he wears, I have not seen the whole tattoo yet but I am pretty sure it is gorgeous. These thoughts.... these fucking thoughts make me convinced that it was best to stay away from the moment I laid eyes on him - He is bad news.

I am running on less than four hours of sleep a night since the day I started at one of Chicago's prestigious law firms, but hey you win some, you lose some. After making the batter I set it on the counter to set and go to get my phone, I-pod, earphones and wallet.

As I am about to leave the apartment, I hear Four wake up.

"FOUR I AM GOING OUT FOR A RUN ", I shout so that he listens figuring that he is probably still half asleep.

"OKAY!", I hear him shout back.



I roll my eyes, grab my key card and leave.

I take in the sweet, moist breeze of Chicago before hitting the sidewalk along the banks of the Illinois River for my morning run. Music blasts in my ears and transports me to another parallel universe where I have no stress, no internship (Even though I love it but it still stress me a lot), no roommate! This led me to think about home. Just the memory of the beautiful city and happy faces of my family and friends brought a smile on my face. I miss mom, dad, Caleb! OMG I miss my baby bro even though annoyed me to death. A smile played on my lips as I am ran, building energy one tiny bit at a time with every step I took on the concrete.

About 45 minutes into my run, I halt for a few minutes and stand staring at river in the early morning sun. I decide on heading back home. I had barely started my jog back toward the apartment when a runner swept past me, almost knocking me off balance. I looked at the tall guy who continued to run oblivious of how he had almost tripped me over.

I start running behind the guy unable to take my eyes off of his bangin' arms (A/N comment if you got the reference ;)). He was wearing a black sleeveless hoodie and work-out shorts. That hoodie he was wearing showed off his perfect muscles without making the guy look too bulky or broad. I couldn't help but admire how his muscles rippled under his glowing skin coated in sweat. I noticed in awe how beautifully his shoulder blades moved as he ran swinging his arms.

You have an arm fetish, don't you? 

Shut up Chris, I don't!

Well then stop drooling over his arms....You haven't even seen his face!

Well in my defense... LOOK AT THEM!! I mean they are so perfect and even if you don't have a fetish I am pretty sure you will develop a fetish by those arms!

Fair enough, I will go now.

Talking to Christina reduced my speed and I was starting to lose him, so I ran a little faster to keep up with him. That's when he decided he was not fast enough and picked up speed. Seriously?

I start breathing hard and know I have reached my limit. Just when I think I am going to start wheezing like a kitten, he slowed down and jogged in place as he waited for the walk symbol at the traffic light. I walk toward the intersection, my feet protesting, and my calves splitting in pain.

"Are you following me?" ,a male voice cut through my haze of breathlessness.

I look up to see........


Hey Guys! So Chapter 4 is done...... Ends on a cliffy😏..... Comment who you think it is! And also that do you guys want lengthy chapters (like 4000- 5000 words) or this is fine (1000-2000 words)?

Don't forget to vote!!.....Love ya'll..

Be Brave <4 <4 <4

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