Chapter One!

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Hello!! I finally decided to rewrite, yay! I hope you enjoy :))


If you ask any monster how they would describe life on the surface the answer would probably be "cold".

You see, down in the underground even the coldest of cold places (*cough* Snowdin *cough*) would lack one thing that the surface has: wind. And oh boy did the surface have a lot of wind at all times possible.

One monster, however, had found himself loving the wind. The first time he felt the wind it did feel weird, sure, but once he got used to it the wind made him feel... calm. Like it had always been there in his life, blowing his hood around and lightly pushing him further at times. This time, however, was just not a good one for the wind to start blowing everything around.

"Saaaaans!" a recognizable skeleton yelled. "No more time to be lazy! Come help us carry these boxes for Miss Alphys!!"

Sans sighed, and a smile crept upon his face. He got up from the oh so comfortable spot on the grass he had made his temporary home and went to look for the boxes.

"Hey, Sans!" Alphys said happily. "I'm so glad you would he- help me with the carrying." She had brought a van with one of her human co-workers so they could move all of the old books and potions from the lab down in the underground base.

" 'Course, Alph! I'm always there to help." He grabbed one of the boxes that Papyrus had carried to the surface for him. It was heavier than he first thought. The glass bottles in the box rattled as he pulled them up to him, making him a bit nervous. He hid it behind a smile. "now where should I put this?"

"Hm... Just place it uhh... I think here's a good spot?" She pointed at the left part of the already halfway full truck.

"Sure, I'll see where it fits."

"Just be careful, the glass breaks easily."

Sans scoffed at that comment. Of course, he knew that. Alphys went down to get more stuff as Sans went to the white van and placed the heavy box down as easily as possible.

One of the flasks piqued Sans' interest, so he picked it up and started reading on the label. The language on the bottle surely couldn't be in English, yet he still somehow understood some of the letters on it. He could make out a D and a few other words, but not entirely. As he sat with the flask in hand his brother came over with two boxes in his arms.

"Look at me, brother! I am the strongest monster in the world!!! Nyeh heh heh!!"

Sans looked up quickly at his brother and saw the huge grin on his face.

"You really are, huh?" He answered, flask still in hand. "Then you wouldn't mind taking the rest of my load as a challenge, right?"

The look on Papyrus' face was priceless. It was something between proudness and that one glare he always gave Sans when he had said something incredibly stupid. Like those awful bone puns of his.

"No way, brother! You need the workout as well, you lazy butt!"

Papyrus put the boxes in the van where there was space for it and began staring at the flask Sans was sitting with. "What is that blue stuff?" he asked.

"I dunno, but I'm pretty sure that it starts with a D."

"Delicious? Demonstration?" that one got a weird look.

"um, no. But it does have a T in it as well... I just can't figure out the rest of the writing right now." Sans shoved the flask as closely to Papyrus' face as he could with the height distance between them. "Can you read it?"

Papyrus took the flask in his own hands and started inspecting it. He touched the words with his boney fingers, trying to read the writings.

"How can you read this, Sans? It is all just weird drawings to me. Just like the human Egotian language."

"Do you mean Egyptian?"

"Yes, that!"

Papyrus gave the bottle back to Sans with a pondering look on his face. "I will go get some more boxes to fill. Are you coming?"

"In one second, Pap."

Papyrus didn't seem happy with that answer, but he went anyway.

There was something about the words on the bottle that put sans off in a weird way. Like he shouldn't know what it said, yet he did somehow. He wanted to let go of the bottle, he really did! But there was something about it that just called his name, telling him to figure it out. So he went down to get Alphys in the hopes that she had some answers.

As he walked over to the place where the barrier once was with his mind completely focused on the signs on the flask, Frisk came running in for a hug. They slammed his body in a huge hug, making him yell out and lose the grip on the flask. The kid screamed out as the bottle broke between them two and glass dug lightly into both of their shirts, and Frisk's stomach. Sans immediately reacted by grabbing the kid's shoulders and getting them up, inspecting their stomach, and giving comfort. Frisk tried to hold in a sob, but that became an impossible fight as soon as Sans asked: "are you okay, Frisk?"

Upon hearing the sounds of crying, both Papyrus and Alphys came running closer to the scene, all of the items they had carried long gone from their mind.

"Frisk!" Papyrus yelled. "What happened?"

"It was just uhh..." Sans started but his mind was fogging up and he was feeling nauseous all of a sudden. He doubled over as soon as Frisk was carried away by Papyrus, who was trying to fix the tiny glass piece stuck on them.

Alphys immediately got over and grabbed Sans' shoulders, forcing him to face her one.. no, two faces? Or maybe that was just the fog.

"Sans, what happened?" She asked him, but she didn't even need an answer from him as she quickly saw the blue liquid splashed all over Sans' jacket.

"Oh. Oh no."

"Oh no, what?" Papyrus asked from a bit afar.

Alphys flicked her head around the area, searching desperately for the rest of the bottle. "Papyrus do you see uh.. do you see a piece of paper anywhere?"

"Alphys.... What's in that bottle?" Sans mumbled at Alphys between deep breaths. She stopped searching and looked sympathetically at him.

"It's going to be- be okay, alright? Just.. just relax." Sans did nothing but blink at her a couple of times. She took that as a sign to start looking again.

"Papyrus! Make sure not to get any of it- get on you!" She stammered at him.

Searching to the left she found the paper she was looking for. There was nothing readable on the bottle sign, yet she immediately knew what it meant.

"oh no... Papyrus, can you take the wheel? We have to get Sans to the lab immediately!"

Papyrus nodded and got Frisk to get in the van. Alphys took off her coat and wrapped it around Sans so Papyrus could lift him without getting touched by the liquid. He picked his brother up, and then they left for the lab to see if they could save Sans.

Whatever got on him was definitely strong, because the last thing Sans remembered was his brother's face getting closer to his with tears hiding behind his sockets, and the feeling of being lifted. Or was it being let down? He couldn't tell, everything was just so blurry. And then he passed out.


Author's note:

Does it sound rushed? I feel like it sounds rushed at the end-

Anyways I am so grateful for all of the comments and votes that you guys gave me when I asked if you wanted me to continue. And hey, look where it got me! I was finally motivated enough to just say screw it and write, and ngl I am actually kinda happy I did. I miss the Undertale fandom a lot to be honest, and now with the fandom getting back a lot of old people and also new people showing up (I think? you tell me) this was just the best time to do so. 

I hope you guys have a great day!! Enjoy :3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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