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5 years ago

"dad oka let me tell you wat happened" 12 year old jordan said to her dad turning his way

"wat happen nae" her dad david chuckle calling her by her half middle name

"oka so we was at lunch , her n her frans gone come up to me talking bout eww you stank n you ugly. but she the one tht look like a dog , but den she had pushed me on the floor n laugh den she start walking away rite"

nae was getting sick of getting 'bullied' by the same girl everyday. her dad was getting sick of it too , he already knew it was something to do with the lil girl n if sky got to the house crying again he was going to make sky fight her while he hold  the lil girl down

cause like 2 week age nae had came home crying cause the girl kept missing wit her n nae is a crybaby so everything gets to her easy.

but her dad told her next time she come home crying bout the girl he was gone whoop nae n the girl ass


see jordan didn't have frans to have her bac or nothing , she never really knew why but she didn't care her father told her tht you don't need frans you got family

but the thing is she really didn't have family it was like she had older cousins n baby cousins so it wasn't nobody for her to hang out wit thts her age

"so I got up n pulled her hair pulling her back den I start hitting her , I had got pulled off her n went to the office , thts when they called you for you to come get me n here we are"

"but other den tht my day- I feel like I'm talking to much" she said turning straight , looking at the road playing wit her fingers

"no you not , continue" her dad said 

"oka like I was- " she got cut off by a car running into em making they car flip over n over one more time before it hit the ground

"daaa" nae cried in pain not being able to move her body. she looked at her dad seeing him looking at her but not blinking

n thts when she knew her dad was dead

4 years ago

"hey mom , im hungry" nae mumbled walking in her mom room thinking she was sleep cause she didn't say anything n was jus laying there

since her dad passed away she don't really talk much or when she talked it came out as a mumble

nae walked up to her n seen a bottle tht pills supposed to be in but most of the pills was on the floor

"mom" she said lowly shaking her mom a lil

she didn't wake up so nae pushed her on her bac , n when she turned on her back form was coming out her mouth

nae grabbed her mom phone from off the nite stand n called 911

"911 , wat is your emergency" a lady said on the other side of the phone

"m-my mom not b-breathing" nae said lowly wit tears coming down my face jus staring at her mom

"oka the police is on the way honey , wats your name?" she asked

thts when jordan lost her mom for an overdose

1 years ago

jordan was 16 years old when she lost her baby brother tht was 3 years old to the system.

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