"STOP!" Henry screams "I already lost my dad. I don't wanna lose anybody else. We have to work together."

"From the mouth of babes, I'd say the lad has a point." A voice says from behind you...

~oh fudgesticks...~

you don't turn around. But David doesn't waste a moment and slugs him in the face. Which makes you snap around in their direction,

~What the heck was that for dad? I mean I know he's annoying, but I was always told violence doesn't solve everything... Oh, yeah that's right. Hook knocked him out to get his Hook... never mind. Carry on, violence is allowed.~

"That was for the last time we met." David explains

"Bloody hell." Hook mutters. David draws his gun,

"Tell us why you're here before I use something other than my fist."

"I think threatening to kill me seems a bit redundant when we're all about to die anyway."

"No thanks to you Cap." You spit

"Yeah, Regina just told us you were working with Greg and Tamara to get your revenge." Emma explains. Hook takes a step towards her,

"Well, that was before they told me I had to die to get it."

"We don't have time for this. We have a real problem."

"Which is why I'm here, 'cause staring death in the face has made me realize if there's one thing, I want more than my revenge, it's my life. So, should we start this thing now, and then resume bickering?"

"There's no stopping it" Regina says, "And the best thing I can do is slow it down, but that will only delay the inevitable."

"It'll give us the time we need" David states

"The time for what?" Mary Margaret asks

"Steal back the beans. Use them to get everyone into the Enchanted Forest before Storybrooke is gone."

"How?" Emma begins, "We don't even know where Greg and Tamara are."

"Well, I do. I can help." Hook says

"Help yourself you mean. You'll take them and leave us all behind. Why should we trust you?"

"No, we don't have to. (y/n) and I will go with him, and if he tries anything, I'll shoot him in the face." David suggests

"Quite hostile, aren't we?" Hook asks

"Just being clear."

"Wait... but why do I have to go with yall?" you whine, not wanting to go anywhere with the pirate...

"Because I want you as backup."

"What's wrong love? Do I make you nervous?" Hook smirks

"Nope, not at all, I'd just much rather not have to constantly worry about someone literally watching my ass... so basically, I don't wanna go anywhere with you... plus, I hate you" you spit back,

"(y/n) just go with David, he'll kill Hook if he does anything of the sort..." Emma commands

~again, with the being bossy...~

"I'll take Regina to slow down the diamond, give you guys time. Mary Margaret, take Henry, and gather everyone. Make sure they're ready to go as soon as they have those beans. Everyone clear? Now, let's go get the hell out of here before this place blows."

You follow David and Hook down to David's truck, and yall drive to the Cannery, behind the building Greg is dumping a bunch of files into a trash can that is on fire

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