A black bag falls from the sky, thrown by the unknown man as it falls onto the table. Everyone looks at each other in confusion, eventually going to open the bag. They all gag at the sight inside.

Thug 3: "Damn..."

Unknown Man: "Those are the hands of all your lieutenants. That took me two hours. Wanna see what I can get done in a whole evening?"

The man cocks his gun and aims it back at the men.

Unknown Man: "Make no mistake! I'm not asking you to kick in with me. I'm telling you."

He fires his gun once more at the table, making the drug dealers fall for cover, but the bullets soon stop. They all look up in cofusion, only to see that the man was gone with only smoke rising into the air in his wake.

Thug 1: "... 40% works for me."

Jump City Harbor...

At the harbor on the other side of the city, a truck is seen driving frantically around loading crates.

Man: "Go, go, go!"

Driver: "Where's Ramon and Denny?"

Man: "They got 'em! Just grabbed them up! Y'know what? Screw it! Just get us outta here!"

The truck speeds off through the harbor, but three shadows are seen following them as a yellow and red motorcycle does as well.

Driver: "I think I lost them. Think I lost them?"

Man: "I think you lost 'em. I think we're good."


Out of nowhere, a giant African-American male with cybernetics lands on the trucks hood, shocking the criminals as the cyborg smirks at them.

Out of nowhere, a giant African-American male with cybernetics lands on the trucks hood, shocking the criminals as the cyborg smirks at them

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Cyborg: "Well, how are y'all doing this fine evening?"

One of the criminals takes out a shotgun and fires it at Cyborg, shattering the windshield in front of them but missing the hero as he moves out of the way. Then, in front of them, a lady in a dark purple cloak floats as her hands glow black with power.

Raven: "Azarath Mentrion Zinthos!"

The girl chants, firing a dark energy blast from her hands.

The girl chants, firing a dark energy blast from her hands

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Teen Titans: Under The Red Hood [Teen Titans x Male Red Hood Reader]Where stories live. Discover now