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"Do you guys know what day it is?!" I shout, skipping over to my friends

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"Do you guys know what day it is?!" I shout, skipping over to my friends.

"Honestly, no. I really don't." Lucas chuckles, and I roll my eyes.

"It's the day Dustin comes back from camp!" I exclaim, cheerfully.

Mike laughs, "You seem very excited."

"That's because I am." I scowl, as we continue to walk down the road.

We were meeting Hopper at Dustin's house. Dustin's mom said we could surprise him when he gets home, and Hop allowed El and Ten to come as well. After, we were going to see Mike's girlfriend, so she could meet Dustin, El, and Ten.

I was excited to see Dustin and his curly mop of hair. He had told me before he left that he was going to make many inventions, and I was gonna be the first person he shows. It made me feel nice, being the first choice. When he said that it made me smile the whole rest of the day.

"Me too." Will agrees beside me.

"I wonder what he's been up to in camp nose hair." Lucas says as we near Dustin's house, where the chiefs truck was sat outside.

The girls immediately climb out of the car, and I embrace them in a hug.

"Oh, my god," I gush, "I missed you guys so much."

"You went over last week." Lucas points out, but I ignore him.

Everyone greets each other, Mike and El giving each other awkward waves, until Lucas pushes them into a hug.

We then went inside to devise a plan. As the rest of them work on a poster board for Dustin, I hang out with his turtle—Yertle.

"Liz," Mike peeks into Dustin's room where I sat, grabbing my attention, "He's here."

I quickly put the turtle away, closing the lid securely and following Mike out into the kitchen.

We tuck ourselves behind the wall, next to the doorway that led to the living room.

Ten squirms a bit in excitement, but I send her a quick glance that calms her down.

The plan was, once Dustin comes inside and goes to his room, Eleven will use her powers and make the toys in his room lead him out to the living room, where we will pop out from behind the wall and surprise him.

The noise of the door creaking open startles us all, and we all stiffen in our places, holding our breath.

Dustin clambers to his room, just as we had planned, and now it was El's cue.

In the distance, I hear one of his toys turn on, and soon enough, Dustin followed them all into the living room.

"Now." Mike whispered once Dustin was in the correct spot.

All of a sudden, his toys shut down, and we sneak out from behind the wall.

Dustin was crouched down, his back turned to us, examining all of the objects.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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