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"That was totally weird

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"That was totally weird." Max says. We were now walking to my house, Maxes backpack hung on her shoulders.


"With Will," She elaborates, "It was scary."

"Oh," I sigh, "It...happens sometimes. It's just this thing he has. Ever since he went missing last year he's been a bit sensitive. Everyone calling him 'Zombie Boy' isn't making it any better."

"I've heard a few people call him that, yeah. I think it's messed up," Max expresses as we now pass Mike's house. She notices my gaze locked on the building, and she tilts her head, "So, you and Mike?"

"What?" I ask, pulling my eyes away and focusing back on her.

"You and Mike; you obviously like each other." She repeats.

I let out a laugh, "Like each other? Are you crazy?"

"Oh, come on," She nudges me with her arm, "You have to be a thing."

I shake my head quickly, "Nope."

She rolls her eyes, dropping her skateboard down and hopping on, rolling ahead of me, "Catch me if you can!"

"Wh-hey!" I run as fast as I can after the girl, both of us giggling into the quiet air. It was starting to get dark already, the street lights just turning on moments before, "This is no fair!"

"It's totally fair," She shouts back, "You're just slow!"


After chasing Max to my house, we said hello to my parents and immediately ran to my room.

Max was looking around my room as I quickly clean up my messy floor.

"Who's Ten and Eleven?" Max asks, pointing to the paper that was tacked to my wall.

My eyes widen, and I stumble over to her, "Nicknames."

She traces the name 'Eleven' with her fingers, "El."

"Wait, you know about El?" I ask, looking between the drawing and Max.

"She was in your party, right?" Max questioned, "Mike said something about her and this girl T...for Ten?"

I nearly choked on my own spit as I nodded slowly, "Yeah. T was the girl I told you about...the one that moved away," Her mouth forms an 'o' shape, and she finally takes her eyes off the paper. Before she could say anything else, I clear my throat, "I'm gonna go get drinks. Do you want coke?"

She only nods, continuing to look around my room.


I bust open the door, glancing at the coke's and box of leftover pizza, "Here, I got us some-" When I look up, Max was gone. Her stuff was still situated at the end of my bed, but she was nowhere, "Max? Max, where'd you go? Max!"

I hear a noise from my closet, and I quickly snap my head that way, seeing Max peeking out from behind some of my clothes, smiling, "I'm right here. You didn't tell me you had a secret hangout."

I place the things on my bed, the cans falling onto my covers as I make my way to her, "Oh, yeah. I don't go in here a lot."

"Why not?" She asks as we make our way to the big space, "It's pretty neat in here."

I shrug, avoiding the blankets and pillows that were still sat on the floor, "I guess."

Max seems to notice, "Are you okay?"

"Hm? Yes," I smile, "I'm fine. I brought us some leftover pizza, I just heated it up."

We go back out, Max grabbing some magazine's as I get my coloring stuff, both of us chewing down on the pizza.


"Okay, I have a confession," Max expresses out of nowhere, placing down the magazine. I glance up, setting my pencil down, showing her I had her attention, "I think...I think I maybe like someone."

I get off the ground, sitting next to Max on the bed, grinning, "Who?!"

"I..." She licks her lips, looking down at her lap, "I'm scared you'll tell him."

"Is it Dustin?" I ask immediately, "Or-or Lucas?"

She covers my mouth with her hands, eyes wide, "Shush!"

"Lucas?" I shout, laughing, "You like Lucas?"

"I don't know," She shrugs, blushing, "He just seems cool, I guess."

"So very cool." I agree playfully, nodding my head.

"I told you my secret, now you tell me yours," She demands, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear, "Do you like Mike?"

I open my mouth, then shut it, then open it again, "I, erm..maybe?"

"Maybe!?" Max exclaims, "You guys are totally in love-"

"I like Mike, I really do. But that girl, El, Mike's, like, in love with her. They have this special bond and I can't get in the way of that. I just can't. No matter what I do he's gonna choose El. And after she moved I felt this weight lift off of me, which is horrible to say, but I really thought this was my chance. Now i'm realizing I was so wrong. He still likes her, and he still believes she's coming back-" I cut off my rambling, huffing out a breath. Max stares back at me in shock, a quietness taking over the room since nobody knew what to say, "I'm sorry. I just needed to let that out," I force out a dry chuckle, "You and Lucas are the only ones that know, so could you keep this a secret...please?"

She nods, "He's a good friend, Lucas. For keeping your secret."

I nod, smiling at the thought of my good friend, my mood lightening, "He is. But he's probably an even better boyfriend!"

Maxes eyes widen, and she shoves me, causing me to almost do a backflip off the bed.

The two of us burst out in laughter, before getting shushed by my dad, making us laugh even harder.

The night was long and filled with many (quiet) laughs, gossiping, and care-free thoughts.

A/N: so much tea😳

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