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After grabbing our bikes in the woods, we walk the rest of the way to Mike's house, and I bring the girls into the bathroom to get them cleaned up

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

After grabbing our bikes in the woods, we walk the rest of the way to Mike's house, and I bring the girls into the bathroom to get them cleaned up.

Mike gives me a cloth and I gently scrub Eleven's face free of dirt, smiling when I had finished.

Eleven turns her head to the mirror, grabbing at her hair where the wig once was.

"Don't worry, El. You don't need it." I smile, washing off Ten's face.

"Still pretty?" Eleven asks hopefully.

"Still pretty? Is that even a question?" I exclaim, wetting the cloth once more, "Of course you are! Both of you are gorgeous! I would kill to look like you guys!"

"Kill?" Eleven asks, her eyes wide.

"Not actually kill, that's just a saying. That means I would love to look like you guys." I laugh, as the faucet turns on and sprays water in El's face.

I cover my mouth to hide my smile as Ten giggles.

Elevens mouth forms an 'o' shape and the water turns back on, splashing water all over Ten.

We all have a laughing fit before it dies down, and I begin wiping Ten's face again.

"Do you think Mike likes me?" Eleven stutters, "Like's me, likes me."

"Mike? Yes, of course he does," I nod. I like him too, El, "And I'm assuming you like him too," Eleven nods gingerly, "Well, if you like him, then make a move! Give him a kiss or tell him he's smoking hot!"

Ten makes a face, shaking her head, "No, Eleven."

I laugh, just as the door busts open, and a panicked Dustin yells, "Guys! It's Lucas, we think he's in trouble!" We run out the door to where Mike was holding the walkie-talkie, "Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?"

"Yeah." I nod.

"What if he found it?" Mike finishes for Dustin, "I can't understand what he's saying. What's he saying?"

"I don't know, he's way out of range." Dustin sighs.

"Lucas, if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you." Mike speaks into the walkie-talkie.

"'Mad hen.' Does that mean anything to you?" Dustin asks, "Like a code name or something."

"Let me see that," I take the radio from Mike's hands, leaning my ear close to it, "Sounds men-the bad men are coming!"

"Stay here." Mike tells us as he and Dustin run upstairs, leaving the screaming radio with us.

After awhile, the boys run down, telling us we have to leave.

We hurry out of the house and to the bikes, picking them up and running like our lives depended on it, because they did.

As we run a little farther away, Ten trips, skinning her knee on the ground.

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