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I kick a pebble and it rolls, landing in the woods next to me

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I kick a pebble and it rolls, landing in the woods next to me. I sigh, my hands stuffed in my jacket pockets as I continue my way home.

I hear a slight rustle in the leaves, but pass it off as the wind. Boy was I wrong. I could have sworn I saw a shadow sprint behind the trees, and I was starting to get creeped out, so I called out, "Hello? Who's there?"

No response.

I huff, walking on. That is until a loud clicking noise was heard behind me. I spin around, and I wish I didn't. Standing there, in the middle of the road, was a tall, un-earthly looking creature. On its head, it had what looked to be flower petals, except that it had rows beyond rows of sharp teeth. I let out a scream, pumping my legs quicker then I ever had before. I heard it screech from behind me, but soon I was far enough away from it that I could hear it no longer. But that didn't stop me from running.

In the distance, I could see two boys riding bikes down the street.

"Hey!" I yell out to them, they were speeding quickly down the quiet road, and if I hadn't yelled they probably wouldn't have noticed me, "Don't go down that street!"

"What?" One of the boys called out.

I pointed down the road, "I-I saw something, down there. Don't go, okay! Don't go!"

As they came closer I could make out who they were. I knew these kids from school, Dustin Henderson and William Byers.

They stopped just in front of me, Dustin furrowing his eyes, "Elizabeth?"

"I saw something down there, i'm telling you, don't go over there. It-it was large and-"

Dustin shrugged, pedaling once again as Will yelled, "Hey!"

"Wait!" I cupped my hands to my mouth, but it was no use.

"Don't worry, Will," I heard Dustin Henderson mumble, "She's trying to scare us, but it won't work, right?"

My arms fall in defeat and I turn around, continuing my walk to my house, but this time I was faster and frightened.


I awakened to my alarm clock blaring through my room. I smacked it off, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. Fuck school.

I made my way to my closet, grabbing some jeans, a dark purple long sleeve, and a belt. I change before making my way out of my room, seeing my mom smoking a cigarette at the kitchen table, "Good Morning, Lizzie."

"Hey, mom." I greet before making myself breakfast, which was some toast.

I scarf it down before brushing my teeth in the bathroom, putting on my converse and jacket, spraying some Baby Soft perfume on myself, and grabbing my backpack, waving to my mother on my way out.


When I arrive at school I immediately lean against the outside wall, watching as kids make their way to this horrid place.

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