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I run past Max, Dustin and Lucas tripping over the poor girl, all of them falling to the floor

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I run past Max, Dustin and Lucas tripping over the poor girl, all of them falling to the floor.

"Where'd he go?" Lucas asks frantically, the three of them recovering and picking themselves up off the floor.

"What was that?" Max asks.

"Dart!" Mike answers.


"You let him escape!"

"She didn't mean it!" I defend.

"Why did you attack him?" Dustin yells, pushing Mike to the wall.

"Come on." Mike shoves Dustin away, rushing down the hall.

"Don't hurt him. Don't you hurt him!" Dustin screams after him.


Lucas and I were together, everyone else had separated. Dustin had West, Will had South, Mike had East, and we had North.

"South is clear. Liz? Lucas? Anything?" Will's voice asks through the radio that Lucas held.

"Come." Lucas beckoned, and I followed as he kicked open a door.

"Excuse me! Mrs. Tate and Mr. Sinclair!" One of the teachers scolds, perching her hand on her hip.

"S-So sorry, we were just looking for study hall," Lucas lies, and I quickly pull him out of the room, "Bye," I laugh quietly as Lucas speaks into the walkie-talkie, "Nothing here, man."

We start walking towards another classroom, "Try not to kick the door open this time, eh?"

Lucas rolls his eyes, opening up the door and beginning to search the classroom.

I get on my hands and knees, looking under the table, but see nothing. As I get up, I bump my head, groaning as Lucas laughs at me, and I eventually laugh too. But I instantly stop when I see someone peering into the class.

I furrow my eyebrows, jogging over to the door, looking into the hallway, just in time to see a flash of brunette hair fly around the corner.

"Lizzie, what is it?" Lucas asks, joining me out in the hall.

"I-I thought I saw someone watching us." I say. I wasn't totally lying, just not being very specific.

Lucas shrugs, the static of his walkie-talkie crackling as Will's voice comes in, "Guys...I found him."

"Where?" Dustin voice asks.

"In the bathroom by Mr. Salerno's." He replies.

"Copy that." Mike says.

Lucas and I share a look, instantly beginning our run over to the place Will was talking about, but not before I glance down the hall I saw the flash of hair, and of course, it was completely empty.


"Let's go. Down here." Mike ushers after we had met with him and Max halfway.

"We're coming!" Lucas exclaims, all of us rushing into the bathrooms.

The only person in there was Dustin, who looked a bit on-edge.

"Where's Dart?" Mike asks him.

"I don't know. Not here." Dustin shrugs, leaning against one of the stalls.

"What?" Mike starts going through the stalls.

"He said by Salerno's, right?" Max questions.

"Will might already have him." I suggest, watching Mike as he peeks into all the stalls.

"Yeah, maybe Will has him." Dustin agrees.

Mike slowly back out of one of the stalls he was looking in, "Where is Will?"


We all split up once again, Dustin and Max, and Lucas, Mike, and I together.

"Where the hell could he have gone?" I ask nervously, Mike pushing open the back doors, "What if he's having another episode?"

Lucas puts his hand on my arm, and I notice Mike side-eyeing us, "It's gonna be okay, Lizzie."

"Guys!" Mike hollers, bringing our attention to him, "Look! It's Will," We start to run over, but Mike calls to Lucas, "Go get Dustin and Max!"

He obeys, hurrying off in the other direction as Mike and I full-speed run over to Will. His eyes were shut, and he was standing in place, shaking.

We both try calling out to him, rocking him gently. I look over to see Max, Lucas, Dustin, and Mrs. Byers rushing over.

"We just found him like this!" Mike explains to the people who had just arrived, "I think he's having another episode!"

Mike and I back up, Joyce taking our place as she puts her hands on Will's shoulders, "Will! Will! Will!" I felt uneasy, latching onto Lucas' arm as Joyce tried to wake up her son, "Sweetie, wake up! It's Mom! Will! Will, wake up. Can you hear me? Will, please. Wake up, please. Please, wake up! It's Mom! It's me!"

I jump back when Will gasps awake, causing Lucas to trip as I was still holding onto him.

Quickly, Joyce pulls Will into a hug, on the verge of crying as she leads him into the school to grab his things, all of us slowly trailing behind.

We were now outside, watching as Joyce brought Will to her car.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out," Max comments, "Did that not freak you guys out?"

"Two episodes in two days." Lucas states, ignoring Max completely.

I let out a shaky sigh, "It's getting worse."

"You think it's True Sight?" Lucas asks.

"What's True Sight?" Max questions, all of us sharing glances as we figure out what to say.

"It's nothing." Lucas responds, our attention turning to the green car that Joyce and Will drove away in.


"Hey! Elizabeth!" A voice calls from behind me. I spin around, seeing the red-headed girl skating towards me.

"Oh, Max. Hi." I smile.

"Do you know what True Sight is?" She asks as I pull my bike off the rack.

I rub the back of my neck as we start to walk away, "Uh, not really. It's some stupid thing from Dungeons and Dragons."

"Oh," She nods, staring at the pavement. She glances up, a smile now taking over her face, "Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout? Have a sleepover? I know it's a school night but my parents really won't mind unless we're late."

A grin pulls at my lips and I lift my head to meet her eyes, "That sounds fantastic! I mean, yeah, cool, sure, great. My house?"

Max chuckles, "All right. Meet me at the arcade. 5:00."

"O-Okay!" I call as she rides off, and I smile to myself, before hopping on my bike and riding away.

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