Epilogue (1)

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Hermione looked around the ball room and smiled. Today, her eldest child was turning six. The birthday girl, Jade Malfoy, was running around with her best friends, Ron and Lavender's son Hugo, who was also six, and Blaise and Luna's eldest child, Giovanni Zabini, aged seven. They were playing with Amber.

Jade had Hermione's curly hair, more tame than her original hair, but blonde and had her mother's warm chocolate eyes. Ron's son had his flaming red hair and his mother's eyes. Giovanni was the rich tan of his Italian father and had his indigo blue eyes, but had his mother's wavy blonde hair. The perfect mix of them

"She's growing up fast, isn't she?" Hermione turned to the owner of the voice and smiled.

Her husband of ten years, Draco, was walking towards her with their two year old twin daughters, Robin and Rose, under each arm. The twins had their shoulder length, straight golden brown hair in a pony tail and their grey eyes sparkled.

"They all do." Hermione replied looking where their middle child and only son, Gian, was playing. The four year olds platinum hair stood out amongst the other black haired children. He was a miniature Draco, but had his mother's nose.

His playmates consisted of Pansy and Harry's four year old twin boys, James Sirius Potter and Marcus Orlando Potter. Both boys had the messy Potter hair, but James had green eyes while his twin had his mother's ice blue eyes.

The fourth member of the group was Luna and Blaise's four year old daughter, Sabrina. Sabrina had her mother's hair style, wavy and nearly to her waist already, but in black and had her mother's misty blue eyes. Her skin was of her mother's, like porcelain.

Rose and Robin soon spotted Luna and Blaise's youngest child, Alexandra Zabini who was also two, and squirmed to get free. Draco reluctantly put them down and they ran off to where the black haired, tanned and misty blue eyed toddler was.

"I can't believe how well they all get along." Hermione sighed, leaning into Draco's side.

"I know. It's like the complete opposite of us when we were kids." Draco grinned.

"It's great, isn't it?"

"Certainly is."

"Hermione, Draco. How are you?"

The Malfoy couple turned to see the Potter couple, Pansy cradling their newborn daughter, Lily Natalie Potter.

"Harry, Pansy, you made it!" Hermione exclaimed, hugging her two best friends.

"Of course we did. Thanks for inviting us." Pansy smiled.

"Hey, is that Severus over there being accosted by James and Sirius?" Harry asked, looking at the Dark Man who was being pulled in two directions by James and Sirius while Sabrina and Gian watched on in amusement.

"Yeah, he managed to get the day off work." Hermione replied.

"Kids, hey?" Pansy remarked as Harry hurried over to the Potions Professor to pull his sons off him.

"Yeah. I can't wait till the next one arrives." Hermione agreed.

"You're not?"
"Three months."

"Oh Hermione! That's wonderful!"

"Isn't it?" The two women embraced, wide grins on their lips. Draco smiled affectionately at his wife.

"I'd better go help Harry break the twins and Severus up. I'll see you later, love." He told the two, kissing Hermione on the lips before hurrying off to sort out the problem.

An hour later, Hermione called everyone to attention. "We are about to have the cake." She announced.

Jade was jumping with excitement as her birthday cake was brought out by the House Elves. They all sang Happy Birthday and Jade was glowing the whole time.

She leaned over to blow out her candles when the lights went out and the doors slammed open. The mothers and fathers placed themselves in front of the children and raised their wands.

The figures that had entered turned the lights on and lower their hoods. Hermione's eyes narrowed. "Ginny." She snarled.

"Hello, Mudblood. Miss me?" Ginny smirked.

"You're not welcome here." Draco spat, shielding Rose and Robin a bit more as he moved.

"And I thought we were friends."

"The Aurors are on their way." Harry whispered to Draco. "Keep stalling her."
"Who's your new toy, Ginny?" Hermione called out, motioning to the man beside her.

"Oh, that's just Zacharias Smith. Who I really want, is Harry. Or Draco, I'm not fussy." Ginny replied, dismissively.

"Don't you dare touch my husband." Pansy growled, standing in front of her beloved Harry.

"Watch me." Ginny retorted.

She went to move forward when she was grabbed from behind. "Wha...what is this? Let go of me!" She roared, struggling in her captor's arms.

"Ginny Weasley, you are under arrest for the use of illegal potions and eluding the Ministry of Magic. You do not have to say anything, but what you do choose to say may be held against in a court of law." The Auror holding Ginny recited.

"LET ME GO!" Ginny yelled as she was pulled from the ball room. Zacharias was arrested too for helping her.

"Who was that?" Jade asked after an awkward moment of silence.

"That was Aunt Ginny, wasn't it Mum?" Hugo replied, looking up at Lavender.

"Will she come back, Mummy?" Gian whispered as he peered around Hermione's leg, his voice louder in the silence

Hermione knelt down in front of him. "No, she won't be coming back. She can't hurt you from where she is going." She told her son.

"Good. She was scary."
"She's a very scary woman." Gian hugged Hermione and she buried her face in his neck.

So much had happened over the years at Hogwarts and Hermione had learned to never take anything for granted. She had a wonderful, handsome Husband, four, soon to be five, wonderful children and more money than she could ever want. She had amazing friends and a great job as an Auror.

The only thing in life that is truly inevitable is death, but because of her friends, Hermione had beaten it. "In the wizarding world, anything is possible." She whispered to herself.

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