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Christmas Eve finally rolled around. It found Hermione sat in the window of the Gryffindor Common Room staring out of the window and ignoring all peers as they did her.

She sighed softly, she seemed to be doing that a lot. All around her, people were talking about what they hoped their families would send them for Christmas.

Sadness washed over her. Although it wasn't her first Christmas without her parents, it was her first Christmas without Harry and Ron to keep her mind off it. She didn't want to impose on the newly formed friendship between the Slytherins and Luna. Severus wasn't going to be at Hogwarts, he went to visit his sister at Christmas.

Harry and Ron sat by the fire, their usual spots, and were looking longingly at Hermione. Ginny was elsewhere, studying she had said. They had noticed how ill Hermione was getting, but Ginny had told them it was a glamour and she had been lying. She said that Hermione had used the same thing to get her to forgive her.

Of course, the boys thought the red headed girl had no reason to lie, so had believed her. If only they knew. Harry huffed slightly. "I kind of miss Hermione not being with us."

"Yeah, me too. I know Ginny's great and all, but Hermione kept us grounded and helped us." Ron agreed.

"She looks so ill."

"It's just a glamour."

"You really think so?"
"She did hurt Ginny, didn't she?"

"I guess." Harry had recently been having doubts on the stories Ginny had told them. It just didn't seem liked Hermione.

"You don't doubt Ginny, do you?"
"I don't know, Ron. I really don't know."
Hermione moved from her spot in the window and trudged to the portrait hole. She climbed through and began her usual walk to the Hospital Wing to get her potions.

Half way there, she ran into Peeves. "Hi Hermy." The poltergeist greeted.

Hermione smiled. "Hi, Peeves."

"What 'cha doing?"

"Going to the Hospital wing."
"Are you sick?"

"No, just need to rest." Hermione lied, using the same excuse she used for everyone who asked.

"I'll let you go then, Hermy. Sleep well."

"I will. Goodnight, Peeves." Hermione waved to the Poltergeist before continuing on her way. She greeted the Mediwitch and collected her potions.

The walk back was silent and undisturbed. Once she got back to her room, she took the two potions and was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She wasn't looking forward to the next day, it's not like she would get anything.

The sun streamed through the curtains and onto the sleeping girl in the bed. Hermione blinked open her eyes and stretched. She sat up and her eyes widened. A small pile of presents lay at the end of her bed.

"They can't be mine." She whispered.

Hermione leaned forward and read the label. They were hers. There was one from Draco, one from Luna, One from Severus, One from Pansy, One from Blaise and One from all the staff members that she was friendly with. A note lay on top of them all.

Dear Hermione,

Meet us in the Room of Requirement. We're going to make this day the best Christmas you have ever had. Bring your presents, we'll open them together.

Love From

Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Luna

Hermione smiled softly and took some presents she had gotten out from under her bed. She had bought the staff and her new friends presents. She waved her wand in an intricate pattern and the presents disappeared to land wherever the receiver was.

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