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A couple of weeks had passed since nearly the whole of the student body had turned on Hermione Granger; said girl was sat by the lake staring out at the calm water before her. She felt a tear run down her pale cheek, but just didn't have the energy to wipe it away.

Severus and She had been spending more time together, as he was one of her only friends left. Luna Lovegood, thankfully, had not turned on her, but Hermione didn't spend much time in the Library.

Some of the students that hung out there, only hung out there in case she turned up and they would cast hexes and jinxes on her. So not only had Hermione had to worry about finding a cure to the curse Voldemort had used on her, but she had to worry about when she would next be jinxed or hexed by some random student.

Life truly hadn't been kind to Hermione Granger.

On a small hill overlooking the lake and Hermione Granger sat a group of three friends dressed in a similar uniform but with a silver and green crest and tie.

"She looks so sad." Pansy whispered.

"Yeah, she does. She also looks sicker." Blaise agreed.

Draco tilted his head to the side and admired the girl sat by the lake. Even though she was skinnier than was healthy, she still had a great hourglass figure; or what remained of one. Her once bushy hair had now tamed to graceful looping curls that stretched to her mid back. Her curls were the most wonderful golden brown colour.

Blaise nudged his friend, bringing the Slytherin Prince out of his reverie. "What?"
"I was just saying she looks too ill. Do you think something's wrong?" Blaise repeated.

"There must be. No-one could look that ill without a reason."
"I think she's getting worse." Pansy added.

"Me too." The three Slytherins spun round to see Luna Lovegood standing behind them, her hair pulling into a bun held by her wand and exposing her radish earrings.

"Lovegood." Pansy greeted.

"You don't hate her?" Blaise asked in astonishment.

Luna tilted her head in an adorable questioning manner. "Why would I? Hermione never truly judged me. She thought I was a bit mad at first, but she accepted me. No-one has ever really done that before."
Luna sat down next to Blaise. "She is my best friend."
"So you're concerned too?" Draco confirmed.

"Yes, I am. Something really is wrong with Hermione. Has been for ages. It's just more noticeable now."
"It's like she's fading away and no one but us and the teachers seem to notice." Draco mused.

Saddened expressions filled their faces.

Down by the lake, Hermione picked up a stone and threw it into the water. The stone skipped a few times before sinking beneath the water's murky depths. She was totally unaware of the group of four people watching her.

"Mya?" Hermione turned her head to see Severus standing beside her. "Come inside, it's getting cold."
"I don't want too. It's peaceful out here. No-one to judge me." Hermione told her best friend.
"I know. But you can't get ill now."

"I already am." Hermione looked up at Severus with dead eyes.

Severus hung his head sadly and took a seat next to her. He wrapped an arm around the silent girl and hugged her softly. "Hermione, Hermione, Hermione." He sighed.

"Severus, Severus, Severus." Hermione mimicked.

"What are we going to do with you?"
"Nothing. Just love, never judge me and don't leave me."

"I would never leave you."

"I'm glad." Hermione sighed, leaning her head on the older man's shoulder. "At least I still have you."

"Always." Severus vowed.

The three Slytherins and Ravenclaw watched as a darker figure approached Hermione from the castle.

"Professor Snape." Pansy muttered.

"He and Hermione are friends aren't they?" Draco asked.
"Yes, they began a friendship after Hermione's parents died before sixth year. She spent the summer here and they became close." Luna supplied, her blue eyes watching the two friends.

"How do you know?" Draco huffed.

"Hermione told me during a study session. Professor Snape came looking for her and she had hugged him. I asked and she told me."
"Yep. He looked a bit shocked that she had hugged him in front of me. Threatened me that if I told anyone I'd get given detention for life." Luna giggled.

"But you're telling us." Blaise pointed out.

"Ah, yes. But everyone else already knows. She did announce it during Dinner."

Blaise chuckled and shook his head. He liked this girl. She was...Quirky and full of character.

By the lake, Hermione had drifted into memories of her time during the summer with Severus.

Hermione crept into the dungeons, exploring the whole of Hogwarts. She knew that if Professor Snape caught her, she would be in trouble. She peered round the corner and sighed in relief at the fact the coast was clear. "Miss Granger, what are you doing down here?" A silky voice asked. Professor Snape.

Hermione spun round with her hand over her heart. "Sorry, Professor. I was exploring."
"Why? You have lived here for five years."

"I know, but I never really fully explored Hogwarts."
"Indeed." Severus replied with an eyebrow raised. "And why did you choose now?"
"Well, you see...I'm bored."

"Yes, sir." Hermione looked at her feet.
"Maybe you could assist me with some potions then. I need an extra pair of hands." Severus suggested. He knew some of the pain Hermione was going through so had decided to be more sensitive towards her. After all, he had lost his own mother in his sixth year.

"Thank you, sir."

They had slowly become friends during the brewing of various potions. They had started to become closer when Severus had found Hermione crying after dreaming of her parents. Severus had then told her of the death of his mother.

The fact they had something in common brought the two together and they soon discovered they had a lot more in common than that. They would stay up till late discussing books and potions, even Muggle literature and media.

When Hermione had first called Severus by the nickname of 'Sev' he had hated it, so Hermione teased him by using it often. Of course, Severus got used to the nickname and even gave Hermione her own nickname, Mya. They only allowed each other to call them that.

Hermione snuggled deeper into her older friend's embrace. She didn't know what she would have done without him. She would be lost without him.

Little did she know, Severus' thoughts were running along the same line. He couldn't imagine his life without Hermione. He was going to fight for her, even if she wouldn't.

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