Moment to truth

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For three days Draco had remained by an ever silent Hermione's beside, watching her face as he waited loyally for any reaction at all from the Gryffindor girl lying in the bed.

Finally, on the third day, Hermione's breathing changed. Her eyes fluttered open and Draco let out a cry of joy. He hugged her and kissed her deeply. "Hermione!" He cried.

Madam Pomfrey rushed into the ward at the sound of Draco's shout and gasped in delight. "Miss Granger, you're awake." She trilled, her face shining with happiness.

"Water. I need water." Hermione rasped, holding out her weak arms. Draco poured her a glass and helped her drink it.

"You're alive." He whispered, kissing her.

"It seems so. Is the curse really gone?"

Madam Pomfrey appeared at her side and ran a diagnostic spell over her. "Yes, you are healthy now."

Hermione let a choked sob of happiness and embraced Draco tightly. Draco buried his face in her hair, muffling his own sobs. "I thought I had lost you."
"Never. You will never lose me." Hermione swore, stroking her boyfriend's baby fine hair.

Draco pulled back and looked his girlfriend right in the eyes. "I love you, so much."

Hermione reached out and stroked his cheek softly, smiling as her love leaned into her touch. "I love you too, Draco Malfoy."

When Dinnertime rolled around, the other six friends of Hermione dragged themselves to the Great Hall.

Harry sat facing Ron as he blindly filled his plate. Neither would look at each other, each lost to their concerns for Hermione.

"Why so blue?" Asked a voice to Harry's left.

The Black haired boy's head snapped to the side so fast he almost got whiplash. "HERMIONE!" He cried in delight.

Pansy, Blaise and Luna ran to the Gryffindor table just as Severus ran from the teacher's table. They all surrounded the newly awoken Hermione and hugged her tightly.

"I can't believe your alive." Luna whispered. "I thought for sure..."

"No dwelling on it. I'm alive and as healthy as I can be at the moment. I'm not going to leave." Hermione grinned.

Graduation day had finally arrived and Hermione was adjusting her robes in the mirror. She couldn't believe she was actually here. Only a matter of months ago, she didn't think she would be alive to see the day all of her hard work paid off.

She smiled lightly as she pulled her hair into a loose bun at the base of her neck. Now, here she was, getting ready to be Highest Achiever in the whole school. She, along with Harry and Ron, were also being awarded with the Award of Merlin, first class.

Draco sat in the first row, waiting for his girlfriend's name to be called. She had beaten him by quite a lot of marks, the only one in a centaury to have gotten all Os on her score card.

"Finally, we are proud to award this certificate of graduation to Miss Hermione Granger who, despite the odds, is still standing here today to collect this certificate. Well done, Miss Granger." Dumbledore smiled, handing a beaming Hermione her roll of parchment declaring she had now graduated and was a fully fledged witch.

Hermione approached the podium, having to make a speech as the Highest Achiever and Head Girl.

"If someone had told me in September I would be stand here, I would have told them to stop being so cruel. I was dying of a curse put on me by Voldemort and I had lost hope.

But now, here I stand. So many things have happened throughout our years and we are still standing. It seems almost impossible. As a wise man once told me, in the Wizarding World, the impossible becomes the possible." Hermione grinned at Severus.

"So, as we go out into the world today you can hold your head high. You fought your way to get here, you took every thing thrown at you and you still are standing with your graduation certificate held in your hand. You made it."

Cheers went up from the students as Hermione threw her graduation cap into the air, a cliché moment. She smiled happily as looked at her peers. Her eyes scanning the crowds for her friends.

Pansy was sat next to Harry with her hand in his and Luna was leaning on Blaise as they cheered for Hermione. Her eyes finally fell on a pair that she loved.

The smoky grey eyes belonged to one of the most important people in her life. He had kept her grounded throughout everything and, thanks to him, she was still standing. Draco Malfoy was her rock and Hermione thanked God everyday that she had met him.

Draco watched Hermione's eyes sweep over their peers. Pride filled him as he looked at her. She was his, his alone. Soon, she would be his forever. 'Very soon.' He thought, fingering the box he had tucked into his pocket.

That night, Hogwarts held a Graduation Ball. Hermione was wearing a small black dress that clung to her figure, which she had managed to regain after months of trying to gain weight.

She had never looked healthier and had never been happier as she slipped her hand into Draco's.

A soft love song came on and Hermione smiled sadly. "I remember this song."

Draco shuddered slightly. "So do I. This was playing the night you collapsed. I remember thinking I was going to lose you right then. I felt so helpless."

Hermione stroked his cheek. "I'm right here." She whispered.

Draco nodded. "I know. Come with me." He requested, leading Hermione outside to the lake.

The half moon shone down on them as they walked along the Black Lake. Draco stopped them and turned Hermione to face him.

He conjured a rose and handed it to her. Hermione smiled at him and took a sniff. The rose smelled heavenly.

She looked up to see Draco had sunk to one knee. She gasped in delight and stared at him.

"Hermione Jane Granger, at first we never got along. We hated each other." Draco began.

Hermione laughed, happy tears filling her eyes. The memory of the time Ron had tried to curse Draco for calling her a Mudblood flitted through her mind.

"But then, this fantastic young woman punched me. I began to truly see her for what she was. Not just a Muggleborn, but a passionate, kind and brilliant witch. Then, this year, I truly saw the beauty that this Muggleborn witch possessed."
"I fell in love, and I fell hard. When I found out she was dying, my heart broke in two. I swore then to always cherish her. So, that is why I am asking you to make me the happiest Wizard alive. Marry me?"

Hermione sobbed and nodded. "Yes, Draco. I'll marry you." She choked out.

Draco grinned as he stood and slipped the ring onto her finger. "I love Hermione Jane Granger."

"And I love you, Draco Abraxas Malfoy." Hermione replied, leaning up and kissing her new fiancé.

After a horrendous two years, Hermione's life was finally back on track. She was healthy once more, had six wonderful friends and was now marrying the man she loved with all her heart.

Yes, right now her life was the best it had ever been. Severus' words drifted back to her. Because sometimes hope is all we have left. Hermione smiled. She would always have hope.

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