Monday Morning.

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Monday Morning. Me and Mandella are taking our usual trip to school, but now, she's constantly bombarding me with questions about Patrick.
Mandella: what was he like? Did he smell good? How was his hugs? Did you kiss? How was his t-shirt, I know this is weird but did it fit well?
" Mandella, stop. Take a deep breath."
I tell her what had happened, everything. Even if the t-shirt fit well.
I am now in Biology class, watching the other kids struggle on their work.
For some peculiar reason I had been moved down a set, meaning I already knew all the work they were doing in class.
Due to that fact, my biology teacher, Mrs Wayne, told me I get some "Free time".
This was like secret code for you to do something education related, that wasn't biology.
I decided it would be a good opportunity to carry on reading Twilight; Breaking Dawn, the finale.
I'd always been so wrapped around fantasy books, especially Twilight. I never fully understood why though, after all their just myths on paper.
" Watcha reading?"
Asked a velvet, masculine voice.
I'd been so caught up in a book I hadn't realised that Patrick was sitting two across from me to the left.
" Oh, just Twilight." I say flopping the book in the air.
"Just Twilight?" He questioned, his eyebrows narrowing in.
" This book is sick! I mean, not really my typical, chosen genre but this book is great."

" You really think so? I didn't think fantasy or reading in general was your thing." I reply looking stunned.
" Like I said, not my typical genre" he says with a muffled laugh.
" Oh and yeah, I do read, when I have the time" he continues. Winking at me, digging his hands deep into his pockets.
The bell rings, people flooding out the class room.
Suddenly, a boy with the name Ryan trembles over to me, his head pointing down at the floor.
" Hey, Kat?"
" That's me" I laugh nervously curious to see why he's here.
"Well, I'm not exactly sure, but you might of heard of the New school year party happening at Boogy Wiensteins? I was contemplating wether to ask you, but my mom said I should shoot my shot. Wanna go to the party with me?"
" Excuse me?" I stutter.
" I'm so sorry, I'm honoured really I am, for you to tell your mom about me, but seriously I don't even know who you are! I can honestly say I've never met you in my life.." Explaining it to him, with a high pitched tone in my voice, trying to let him down easily.
He scrams off, not leaving the slightest in sight.
Patrick chuckles to himself.
" What? I'm guessing you enjoyed that more than I did." I confront him, giving him a cold stare.

Lunch. Me and Mandella are sat together at the cold, wooden table, munching on our pasta.
I gulp down a bottle of water to see a golden-blonde boy looking down at me, going by the name Andy.
"Hey Kat!"
" Oh hey!" I reply, stilling eating pasta.
( this boy I actually knew).
He looks into my eyes. I place my fork down on the table, hoping he would give me an answer to why he was here, and fast.
" Well, here goes nothing. Go to the New year party with me?"
" Uh Uh no. Sorry." I tell him looking pityfull.
" But why not? We get on so well in French and you know that!" He slams.
He wasn't going to budge. Let it go. I had to think of reason why I stud him up and fast.
" Look I totally would but I'm not even going to the party, I'm flying to London on the party weekend." That was a good enough lie, surely he was going to believe that.
" Oh.. Okay! Next time." He says cheerfully walking off down the cafeteria.
" Great lie! But why London?" Mandella asks me, hoping I would give sensible answers.
" To be honest, I don't know why I picked London..? London just rolled of my tongue, like I had it in my instinct." I comment looking at Mandella.
" How much Twilight have you been reading?" She asks me looking confused.
We both burst out in laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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