Padua High, Where dreams are made and fulfilled.

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"Padua High, where dreams are made and fulfilled." Well that's over rated I laugh. " Thoughts on the new school year party?"Mandella asks. I think it's pathetic. I don't wanna be a teachers pet or anything but seriously, last time I checked it was pretty much illegal for us to drink alcohol and smoke weed. And anyway, think of the cretinous creatures that will be there. " okay, okay we won't go. It's not like I had anything to wear anyway." Your looking at this from completely the wrong perspective, oh and not to nit pick but if I recount the last time you went shopping, it was last Saturday. We both laugh.
Mandella has always been my best mate. And I have always been hers. It's been like that since Kindergarten.

It's now 3:17 pm. I'm now slouched across the railings outside the school. Waiting for Mandella to finish her last period, flute practise.
Finally. She darts out of the dull, navy- blue, double sided doors, scanning the school grounds. Her eyes stop. She sees me. As she darts out of the ancient-looking, navy blue, double-sided doors.
Hey, where have you been? I've been waiting like 20 minutes. I ask her with a growling look on my face
. " sorry, I got held up, Gloria, I want you to meet my non- biological cousin from Australia, this is-"
"Patrick , Patrick Verona ." He tells me in a deep charming voice, with an Australian twang. I now suddenly have a 6'6, hazel eyed, mysterious-looking teenage boy staring at me.
Hello there! I tell him trying to look confident as ever. He grips on my hand as we " hand shake". I say it in " " because it didn't feel like a handshake. A great quote from the Joker " This is what happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force." But anyways, it's not like I like him, I mean come on, that was just a hand shake. He looks down to me, " well I would love to chat but I wouldn't want to keep you and Mandella waiting on your little science project going on." He gives me a sarcastic smirk

, then a little wink.
It's art but okay.. I laugh watching him glide down the stairs, hands in his pockets; as he hops on his shiny, jet-black motorcycle.

His Dream Girl.     ( Patrick Verona fan book)Where stories live. Discover now